Mykola F. Kharchenko
Mykola F. Kharchenko
Alte numeМ.Ф. Харченко
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ilt.kharkov.ua - Pagina de pornire
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Magneto-optics and Spectroscopy of Antiferromagnets
VV Eremenko, NF Kharchenko, YG Litvinenko, VM Naumenko
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Weak ferromagnetism and an intermediate incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase in
YN Kharchenko, NF Kharcheno, M Baran, R Szymczak
Low Temperature Physics 29 (7), 579-583, 2003
Weak ferromagnetism in the antiferromagnetic magnetoelectric crystal
NF Kharchenko, YN Kharchenko, R Szymczak, M Baran, H Schmid
Low Temperature Physics 27 (9), 895-898, 2001
Microcavity One-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Double Layer Iron Garnet
VN Berzhansky, TV Mikhailova, AV Karavainikov, AR Prokopov, ...
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 36 (1-2), 42-45, 2012
The linear magneto-optic effect as a manifestation of a higher order magnetoelectric effect
NF Kharchenko
Ferroelectrics 162 (1), 173-189, 1994
Magneto-optics of the antiferromagnets
VV Eremenko, NF Kharchenko
Physics Reports 155 (6), 379-401, 1987
Optimization of one-dimensional photonic crystals with double layer magneto-active defect
TV Mikhailova, VN Berzhansky, AN Shaposhnikov, AV Karavainikov, ...
Optical Materials 78, 521-530, 2018
Магнитооптика и спектроскопия антиферромагнетиков
ВГ Барьяхтар, НФ Харченко, ЮГ Литвиненко, ВМ Науменко
Наук. думка, 1989
Multi-step-like Magnetization of LiNiPO4 in a Pulse Magnetic Field
VM Khrustalyov, VN Savitsky, NF Kharchenko
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 (4), 27-30, 2004
Nano-and micro-scale Bi-substituted iron garnet films for photonics and magneto-optic eddy current defectoscopy
VN Berzhansky, AV Karavainikov, TV Mikhailova, AR Prokopov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 240, 175-178, 2017
Phase transitions in single-crystalline magnetoelectric LiCoPO
A Szewczyk, MU Gutowska, J Wieckowski, A Wisniewski, R Puzniak, ...
Physical Review B 84 (10), 104419, 2011
Magnetic field induced spin reorientation in the strongly anisotropic antiferromagnetic crystal
NF Kharchenko, VM Khrustalev, VN Savitskiĭ
Low Temperature Physics 36 (6), 558-564, 2010
Field anomaly of magnetic linear birefringence in magnetoelectric LiCoPO4
MF Kharchenko, OV Myloslavska, YM Kharchenko, H Schmid, JP Rivera
Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 1 (1), 16, 2000
Visualization of the 180‐degree antiferromagnetic domains by means of new magnetooptical effect
VV Eremenko, NF Kharchenko, LI Beliy
Journal of Applied Physics 50 (B11), 7751-7753, 1979
Investigation of orientation transitions and coexistence of magnetic phases in the cubic ferrimagnet GdlG
NF Kharchenko, VV Eremenko, SL Gnatchenko
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 42, 862, 1976
The linear magneto-optic effect in magnetically ordered crystals/Ed
VV Eremenko, NF Kharchenko
IM Khalatnikov. Sov. Sci. Rev 5, 1, 1984
Photoinduced linear birefringence in a crystal with cooperative ordering of Jahn–Teller distortions
SL Gnatchenko, VV Eremenko, SV Sofroneev, NF Kharchenko
JETP Lett. 38, 233-237, 1983
Weak ferromagnetism in the antiferromagnetic magnetoelectric LiCoPO 4 crystal
NF Kharchenko, YN Kharchenko, R Szymczak, M Baran, H Schmid
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 27 (9), 1208-1213, 2001
Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization of the antiferromagnetic crystal
NF Kharchenko, VA Desnenko, YN Kharchenko, R Szymczak, M Baran
Low Temperature Physics 28 (8), 646-652, 2002
Spontaneous incommensurate crystal phase in the Jahn–Teller crystal?
NF Kharchenko, YN Kharchenko, R Szymczak, M Baran
Low Temperature Physics 24 (9), 689-692, 1998
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