Jocelyn Champagnon
Jocelyn Champagnon
Tour du Valat, research institute for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands
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Conspecifics can be aliens too: A review of effects of restocking practices in vertebrates
J Champagnon, J Elmberg, M Guillemain, M Gauthier-Clerc, JD Lebreton
Journal for Nature Conservation 20 (4), 231-241, 2012
Low survival after release into the wild: assessing “the burden of captivity” on Mallard physiology and behaviour
J Champagnon, M Guillemain, J Elmberg, G Massez, F Cavallo, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 58 (1), 255-267, 2012
The future for Mediterranean wetlands: 50 key issues and 50 important conservation research questions
NG Taylor, P Grillas, H Al Hreisha, Ö Balkız, M Borie, O Boutron, A Catita, ...
Regional environmental change 21 (2), 1-17, 2021
Wintering French mallard and teal are heavier and in better body condition than 30 years ago: effects of a changing environment?
M Guillemain, J Elmberg, M Gauthier-Clerc, G Massez, R Hearn, ...
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 39 (2), 170-180, 2010
Assessing the genetic impact of massive restocking on wild mallard
J Champagnon, PA Crochet, J Kreisinger, D Čížková, M Gauthier‐Clerc, ...
Animal Conservation 16 (3), 295–305, 2013
Changes in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos bill morphology after 30 years of supplemental stocking
J Champagnon, M Guillemain, J Elmberg, K Folkesson, M Gauthier‐Clerc
Bird Study 57 (3), 344-351, 2010
Admixture between released and wild game birds: a changing genetic landscape in European mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)
P Söderquist, J Elmberg, G Gunnarsson, CG Thulin, J Champagnon, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 63 (6), 1-13, 2017
Consequences of massive bird releases for hunting purposes: Mallard Anas platyrhynchos in the Camargue, southern France
J Champagnon, M Guillemain, M Gauthier-Clerc, JD Lebreton, J Elmberg
Wildfowl 2, 184-191, 2009
Pacific Decadal and El Niño oscillations shape survival of a seabird
J Champagnon, JD Lebreton, H Drummond, DJ Anderson
Ecology 99 (5), 1063-1072, 2018
Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa
JG Gauld, JP Silva, PW Atkinson, P Record, M Acácio, V Arkumarev, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (6), 1496-1512, 2022
Duck’s not dead: Does restocking with captive bred individuals affect the genetic integrity of wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) population?
D Čížková, V Javůrková, J Champagnon, J Kreisinger
Biological conservation 152, 231-240, 2012
Monitoring amphibian species with complex chromatophore patterns: a non-invasive approach with an evaluation of software effectiveness and reliability
J Renet, L Leprêtre, J Champagnon, P Lambret
Herpetological Journal 29, 13-22, 2019
Disentangling the drivers of change in Common Teal migration phenology over 50 years: land use vs. climate change effects
M Guillemain, CA Pernollet, G Massez, F Cavallo, G Simon, ...
Journal of Ornithology 156 (3), 647-655, 2015
Reliability of animal counts and implications for the interpretation of trends
D Vallecillo, M Gauthier‐Clerc, M Guillemain, M Vittecoq, P Vandewalle, ...
Ecology and evolution 11 (5), 2249-2260, 2021
Becoming more sedentary? Changes in recovery positions of Mallard Anas platyrhynchos ringed in the Camargue, France, over the last 50 years
M Guillemain, J Champagnon, G Massez, CA Pernollet, T George, ...
Wildfowl 65 (65), 51-63, 2015
High influenza A virus infection rates in mallards bred for hunting in the Camargue, South of France
M Vittecoq, V Grandhomme, J Champagnon, M Guillemain, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43974, 2012
Female mate choice, calling song and genetic variance in the cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus
J Champagnon, R Cueva del Castillo
Ethology 114 (3), 223-230, 2008
Determining the boundaries of migratory bird flyways: a Bayesian model for Eurasian teal Anas crecca in western Europe
M Guillemain, C Calenge, J Champagnon, R Hearn
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (10), 1331-1341, 2017
Patterns of spatial distribution and migration phenology of common pochards Aythya ferina in the Western Palearctic: a ring‐recoveries analysis
B Folliot, M Guillemain, J Champagnon, A Caizergues
Wildlife Biology 2018 (1), 1-11, 2018
Robust estimation of survival and contribution of captive‐bred Mallards Anas platyrhynchos to a wild population in a large‐scale release programme
J Champagnon, P Legagneux, G Souchay, P Inchausti, V Bretagnolle, ...
Ibis 158 (2), 343-352, 2016
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