Dominic Royé
Dominic Royé
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The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change
AM Vicedo-Cabrera, N Scovronick, F Sera, D Royé, R Schneider, ...
Nature climate change 11 (6), 492-500, 2021
Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study
Q Zhao, Y Guo, T Ye, A Gasparrini, S Tong, A Overcenco, A Urban, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (7), e415-e425, 2021
Mortality risk attributable to wildfire-related PM2· 5 pollution: a global time series study in 749 locations
G Chen, Y Guo, X Yue, S Tong, A Gasparrini, ML Bell, B Armstrong, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (9), e579-e587, 2021
Associations between extreme temperatures and cardiovascular cause-specific mortality: results from 27 countries
B Alahmad, H Khraishah, D Royé, AM Vicedo-Cabrera, Y Guo, ...
Circulation 147 (1), 35-46, 2023
Effects of hot nights on mortality in Southern Europe
D Royé, F Sera, A Tobías, R Lowe, A Gasparrini, M Pascal, F de’Donato, ...
Epidemiology 32 (4), 487-498, 2021
Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality
MN Mistry, R Schneider, P Masselot, D Royé, B Armstrong, J Kyselý, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 5178, 2022
Heat wave intensity and daily mortality in four of the largest cities of Spain
D Royé, R Codesido, A Tobías, M Taracido
Environmental research 182, 109027, 2020
Rapid increase in the risk of heat-related mortality
S Lüthi, C Fairless, EM Fischer, N Scovronick, B Armstrong, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 4894, 2023
A cross-sectional analysis of meteorological factors and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 409 cities across 26 countries
F Sera, B Armstrong, S Abbott, S Meakin, K O’Reilly, R von Borries, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5968, 2021
The effects of hot nights on mortality in Barcelona, Spain
D Royé
International journal of biometeorology, 1-14, 2017
Geographical variations of the minimum mortality temperature at a global scale: a multicountry study
A Tobías, M Hashizume, Y Honda, F Sera, CFS Ng, Y Kim, D Roye, ...
Environmental epidemiology 5 (5), e169, 2021
Contrasting patterns of temperature related mortality and hospitalization by cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in 52 Spanish cities
C Iñiguez, D Royé, A Tobías
Environmental research 192, 110191, 2021
Observed changes in daily precipitation extremes at annual timescale over the eastern Mediterranean during 1961–2012
S Mathbout, JA Lopez-Bustins, D Royé, J Martin-Vide, J Bech, FS Rodrigo
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175, 3875-3890, 2018
Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with short-term temperature variability from 2000–19: a three-stage modelling study
Y Wu, S Li, Q Zhao, B Wen, A Gasparrini, S Tong, A Overcenco, A Urban, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 6 (5), e410-e421, 2022
Heatwave intensity on the Iberian Peninsula: Future climate projections
N Lorenzo, A Díaz-Poso, D Royé
Atmospheric Research 258, 105655, 2021
Concentration of daily precipitation in the contiguous United States
D Royé, J Martin-Vide
Atmospheric research 196, 237-247, 2017
A time series analysis of the relationship between apparent temperature, air pollutants and ischemic stroke in Madrid, Spain
D Royé, MT Zarrabeitia, J Riancho, A Santurtún
Environmental research 173, 349-358, 2019
The association of COVID-19 incidence with temperature, humidity, and UV radiation–A global multi-city analysis
L Nottmeyer, B Armstrong, R Lowe, S Abbott, S Meakin, KM O'Reilly, ...
Science of The Total Environment 854, 158636, 2023
Spatiotemporal variability of daily precipitation concentration and its relationship to teleconnection patterns over the Mediterranean during 1975–2015
S Mathbout, JA Lopez‐Bustins, D Royé, J Martin‐Vide, A Benhamrouche
International Journal of Climatology 40 (3), 1435-1455, 2020
Interactive effects of ambient fine particulate matter and ozone on daily mortality in 372 cities: two stage time series analysis
C Liu, R Chen, F Sera, AM Vicedo-Cabrera, Y Guo, S Tong, E Lavigne, ...
bmj 383, 2023
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