Mehdi Hakimi
Mehdi Hakimi
Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch and Renewable Energy Research Center
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Optimal sizing of a stand-alone hybrid power system via particle swarm optimization for Kahnouj area in south-east of Iran
SM Hakimi, SM Moghaddas-Tafreshi
Renewable energy 34 (7), 1855-1862, 2009
Blockchain technology in the future smart grids: A comprehensive review and frameworks
A Hasankhani, SM Hakimi, M Bisheh-Niasar, M Shafie-khah, H Asadolahi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 129, 106811, 2021
Stochastic Energy Management of Smart Microgrid with intermittent Renewable Energy Resources in Electricity Market
A Hasankhani, SM Hakimi
Energy, 119668, 2021
Optimal Planning of a Smart Microgrid Including Demand Response and Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources
SMMT S.M.Hakimi
IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, 2014
Unit sizing of a stand-alone hybrid power system using particle swarm optimization (PSO)
SM Hakimi, SMM Tafreshi, A Kashefi
2007 IEEE international conference on automation and logistics, 3107-3112, 2007
Tri-objective scheduling of residential smart electrical distribution grids with optimal joint of responsive loads with renewable energy sources
SB Heydar Chamandoust, Ghasem Derakhshan, Seyed Mehdi Hakimi
Journal of Energy Storage 27, 2020
Tri-objective optimal scheduling of smart energy hub system with schedulable loads
H Chamandoust, G Derakhshan, SM Hakimi, S Bahramara
Journal of Cleaner Production 236, 117584, 2019
Stochastic planning of a multi-microgrid considering integration of renewable energy resources and real-time electricity market
SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani, M Shafie-khah, JPS Catalão
Applied Energy 298, 117215, 2021
Developing optimal energy management of energy hub in the presence of stochastic renewable energy resources
AH E Shahrabi, SM Hakimi
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 26, 2021
Optimal sizing and siting of smart microgrid components under high renewables penetration considering demand response
SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani, M Shafie‐khah, JPS Catalão
IET Renewable power generation 13 (10), 1809-1822, 2019
Intelligent energy management in off-grid smart buildings with energy interaction
SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani
Journal of Cleaner Production, 118906, 2020
Stochastic energy management for a renewable energy based microgrid considering battery, hydrogen storage, and demand response
N Eghbali, SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani, G Derakhshan, B Abdi
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 30, 100652, 2022
Optimal management algorithm of microgrid connected to the distribution network considering renewable energy system uncertainties
AA Dashtaki, SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani, G Derakhshani, B Abdi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 145, 108633, 2023
Demand response method for smart microgrids considering high renewable energies penetration
SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani, M Shafie-Khah, JPS Catalão
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 21, 100325, 2020
Optimal sizing of renewable energy systems in a Microgrid considering electricity market interaction and reliability analysis
SM Hakimi, A Hasankhani, M Shafie-khah, M Lotfi, JPS Catalão
Electric Power Systems Research 203, 107678, 2022
A risk-averse two-stage stochastic model for planning retailers including self-generation and storage system
AR Jordehi, VS Tabar, SA Mansouri, M Nasir, SM Hakimi, S Pirouzi
Journal of Energy Storage 51, 104380, 2022
Multi-objectives optimal scheduling in smart energy hub system with electrical and thermal responsive loads
H Chamandoust, G Derakhshan, SM Hakimi, S Bahramara
Rigas Tehniskas Universitates Zinatniskie Raksti 24 (1), 209-232, 2020
Optimization of grid connected micro-grid consisting of PV/FC/UC with considered frequency control
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 23 (1), 1-16, 2015
Optimal sizing of reliable hybrid renewable energy system considered various load types
SM Hakimi, SM Moghaddas-Tafreshi, H HassanzadehFard
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 3 (6), 2011
Optimal sizing of an islanded micro-grid for an area in north-west Iran using particle swarm optimization based on reliability concept
H Hassanzadehfard, SM Moghaddas-Tafreshi, SM Hakimi
World Renewable Energy Congress 11 (57), 2969-2676, 2011
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