Lisa Moran
Lisa Moran
Sunrise Pediatric Neuropsychology
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HIV-associated prospective memory impairment increases risk of dependence in everyday functioning.
SP Woods, JE Iudicello, LM Moran, CL Carey, MS Dawson, I Grant
Neuropsychology 22 (1), 110, 2008
Psychometric characteristics of the memory for intentions screening test
SP Woods, LM Moran, MS Dawson, CL Carey, I Grant, ...
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 22 (5), 864-878, 2008
Prospective memory in HIV infection: Is “remembering to remember” a unique predictor of self-reported medication management?
SP Woods, LM Moran, CL Carey, MS Dawson, JE Iudicello, S Gibson, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 23 (3), 257-270, 2008
Frequency and predictors of self-reported prospective memory complaints in individuals infected with HIV
SP Woods, CL Carey, LM Moran, MS Dawson, SL Letendre, I Grant
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 22 (2), 187-195, 2007
Quality of Life in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and its Relationship to Postconcussive Symptoms
LM Moran, HG Taylor, J Rusin, B Bangert, A Dietrich, KE Nuss, M Wright, ...
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 2011
Apolipoprotein E4 as a predictor of outcomes in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury
LM Moran, HG Taylor, K Ganesalingam, JM Gastier-Foster, J Frick, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 26 (9), 1489-1495, 2009
Callosal function in pediatric traumatic brain injury linked to disrupted white matter integrity
EL Dennis, MU Ellis, SD Marion, Y Jin, L Moran, A Olsen, C Kernan, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (28), 10202-10211, 2015
Verbal fluency in HIV infection: A meta-analytic review
JE Iudicello, SP Woods, TD Parsons, LM Moran, CL Carey, I Grant
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 13 (01), 183-189, 2007
The UCLA study of predictors of cognitive functioning following moderate/severe pediatric traumatic brain injury
LM Moran, T Babikian, L Del Piero, MU Ellis, CL Kernan, N Newman, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 22 (5), 512-519, 2016
Tensor-based morphometry reveals volumetric deficits in moderate/severe pediatric traumatic brain injury
EL Dennis, X Hua, J Villalon-Reina, LM Moran, C Kernan, T Babikian, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 33 (9), 840-852, 2016
HIV-associated episodic memory impairment: evidence of a possible differential deficit in source memory for complex visual stimuli
EE Morgan, SP Woods, E Weber, MS Dawson, CL Carey, LM Moran, ...
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 21 (2), 189-198, 2009
The UCLA study of children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: event-related potential measure of interhemispheric transfer time
MU Ellis, S DeBoard Marion, DL McArthur, T Babikian, C Giza, CL Kernan, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 33 (11), 990-996, 2016
Do postconcussive symptoms discriminate injury severity in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury?
LM Moran, HG Taylor, J Rusin, B Bangert, A Dietrich, KE Nuss, M Wright, ...
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation 26 (5), 348, 2011
Social problem-solving and social adjustment in paediatric traumatic brain injury
LM Moran, E Bigler, M Dennis, CA Gerhardt, KH Rubin, T Stancin, ...
Brain Injury 29 (13-14), 1682-1690, 2015
Stroop color and word test, children’s version
L Moran, KO Yeates
Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2403-2404, 2011
Is hepatitis C infection associated with increased risk of depression in persons with methamphetamine dependence?
O Vigil, SP Woods, LM Moran, SL Letendre, C Young‐Casey, I Grant, ...
The American Journal on Addictions 16 (5), 418-423, 2007
The HIV Neurobiology Research Center (HNRC) Group (2008). HIV-associated prospective memory impairment increases risk of dependence in everyday functioning
SP Woods, JE Ludicello, LM Moran, CL Carey, MS Dawson
Neuropsychology 22, 110-117, 0
the HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center
SP Woods, LM Moran, MS Dawson, CL Carey, I Grant
Psychometric characteristics of the memory for intentions screening test …, 2008
HIV-associated prospective memory deficits predict functional dependence
SP Woods, JD Iudicello, MS Dawson, LM Moran, CL Carey, SL Letendre, ...
Clinical Neuropsychologist 21 (4), 701-701, 2007
Construct validity of the Abbreviated Assessment of Intentional Memory (AAIM)
JE Iudicello, SP Woods, LM Moran, MS Dawson, CL Carey, I Grant, ...
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 21, 693, 2007
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