Vijaysinha Kakade
Vijaysinha Kakade
Scientist, ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe icar.gov.in
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Agroforestry systems for soil health improvement and maintenance
S Fahad, SB Chavan, AR Chichaghare, AR Uthappa, M Kumar, V Kakade, ...
Sustainability 14 (22), 14877, 2022
Biomass production and carbon sequestration potential of different agroforestry systems in India: a critical review
P Panwar, DG Mahalingappa, R Kaushal, DR Bhardwaj, S Chakravarty, ...
Forests 13 (8), 1274, 2022
Agroforestry for controlling soil erosion and enhancing system productivity in ravine lands of Western India under climate change scenario
D Jinger, R Kumar, V Kakade, D Dinesh, G Singh, VC Pande, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (4), 267, 2022
Tree plantation and soil water conservation enhances climate resilience and carbon sequestration of agro ecosystem in semi-arid degraded ravine lands
R Kumar, PR Bhatnagar, V Kakade, S Dobhal
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 282, 107857, 2020
Degraded land rehabilitation through agroforestry in India: Achievements, current understanding, and future prospectives
D Jinger, R Kaushal, R Kumar, V Paramesh, A Verma, M Shukla, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1088796, 2023
Carbon sequestration potential of commercial agroforestry systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India: Poplar and eucalyptus-based agroforestry systems
SB Chavan, RS Dhillon, C Sirohi, AR Uthappa, D Jinger, HS Jatav, ...
Forests 14 (3), 559, 2023
Development of degraded ravine lands of Western India using Sapota (Achras zapota) plantation with terracing vs. trenching-on-slope-based conservation measures
R Kumar, AK Bhardwaj, BK Rao, AK Vishwakarma, PR Bhatnagar, ...
Enhancing Farm Income through Boundary Plantation of Poplar (Populus deltoides): An Economic Analysis
SB Chavan, RS Dhillon, C Sirohi, A Keerthika, S Kumari, KK Bharadwaj, ...
Sustainability 14 (14), 8663, 2022
Agroforestry systems for soil health improvement and maintenance. Sustainability 14 (22): 14877
S Fahad, SB Chavan, AR Chichaghare, AR Uthappa, M Kumar, V Kakade, ...
Abiotic stress tolerant crop varieties, livestock breeds and fish species
KM Boraiah, PS Basavaraj, CB Harisha, SA Kochewad, PS Khapte, ...
Technical Bulletin 32, 2021
Dragon Fruit: Wholesome and remunerative fruit crop for India
WGCDD Vijaysinha Kakade, Dinesh Jinger, Vishambhar Dayal, Sangram Chavan ...
Food and Scientific Reports 1 (12), 44-48, 2020
Agroforestry systems for soil health improvement and maintenance. Sustainability 14: 14877
S Fahad, SB Chavan, AR Chichaghare, AR Uthappa, M Kumar, V Kakade, ...
Influence of length of cutting on root and shoot growth in dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus)
V kakade
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (11), 2019
Soil loss hinders the restoration potential of tree plantations on highly eroded ravine slopes
R Kumar, AK Bhardwaj, BK Rao, AK Vishwakarma, V Kakade, D Dinesh, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 21, 1232-1242, 2021
Silicon nutrition
D Jinger, S Dhar, S Vijayakumar, V Pande, V Kakade, R Jat, D Dinesh
Indian Farming 70 (10), 18-21, 2020
& Poczai, P.(2022)
S Fahad, SB Chavan, AR Chichaghare, AR Uthappa, M Kumar, V Kakade
Agroforestry systems for soil health improvement and maintenance …, 0
Gametophytic self-incompatibility causes seedlessness in ‘Kagzi Kalan’ lemon (Citrus limon)
V Kakade, AK Dubey, RM Sharma, SK Malik
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 92 (3), 303-312, 2017
Growth and yield of Solanum khasianum in Pinus roxburghii forest based silvi-medicinal system in mid hills of Indian Himalaya
CS Sanwal, R Kumar, R Anwar, V Kakade, S Kerketta, SD Bhardwaj
Forest Ecosystems 3, 1-9, 2016
First Report of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum Causing Dragon Fruit Stem Canker in India
VN Salunkhe, YS Bhagat, SB Chavan, SG Lonkar, VD Kakade
Plant Disease 107 (4), 1222, 2023
Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus)
V Kakade, A Morade, D Kadam
Tropical Fruit Crops: Theory to Practical; Jaya Publishing House: Delhi, India, 2022
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