Divya Vasudev
Divya Vasudev
Conservation Initiatives
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Spatio-temporal interactions facilitate large carnivore sympatry across a resource gradient
KU Karanth, A Srivathsa, D Vasudev, M Puri, R Parameshwaran, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1848), 20161860, 2017
From dispersal constraints to landscape connectivity: lessons from species distribution modeling
D Vasudev, RJ Fletcher Jr, VR Goswami, M Krishnadas
Ecography 38 (10), 967-978, 2015
Divergent perspectives on landscape connectivity reveal consistent effects from genes to communities
RJ Fletcher, NS Burrell, BE Reichert, D Vasudev, JD Austin
Current Landscape Ecology Reports 1, 67-79, 2016
Prioritizing India’s landscapes for biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being
A Srivathsa, D Vasudev, T Nair, S Chakrabarti, P Chanchani, R DeFries, ...
Nature Sustainability 6 (5), 568-577, 2023
Triage of conservation needs: the juxtaposition of conflict mitigation and connectivity considerations in heterogeneous, human-dominated landscapes
VR Goswami, D Vasudev
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 144, 2017
The importance of conflict-induced mortality for conservation planning in areas of human–elephant co-occurrence
VR Goswami, D Vasudev, MK Oli
Biological Conservation 176, 191-198, 2014
Reliable monitoring of elephant populations in the forests of India: analytical and practical considerations
D Jathanna, KU Karanth, NS Kumar, VR Goswami, D Vasudev, ...
Biological Conservation 187, 212-220, 2015
Incorporating movement behavior into conservation prioritization in fragmented landscapes: an example of western hoolock gibbons in Garo Hills, India
D Vasudev, RJ Fletcher Jr
Biological Conservation 181, 124-132, 2015
Mapping the connectivity–conflict interface to inform conservation
D Vasudev, RJ Fletcher Jr, N Srinivas, AJ Marx, VR Goswami
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (1), e2211482119, 2023
Towards a reliable assessment of Asian elephant population parameters: the application of photographic spatial capture–recapture sampling in a priority floodplain ecosystem
VR Goswami, MK Yadava, D Vasudev, PK Prasad, P Sharma, D Jathanna
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8578, 2019
Identifying sustainable coexistence potential by integrating willingness-to-coexist with habitat suitability assessments
SM Vogel, D Vasudev, JO Ogutu, P Taek, E Berti, VR Goswami, M Kaelo, ...
Biological conservation 279, 109935, 2023
Conflict of human–wildlife coexistence
VR Goswami, D Vasudev, D Karnad, YC Krishna, M Krishnadas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (2), E108-E108, 2013
Resource distribution and group size in the common langur Semnopithecus entellus in southern India
D Vasudev, A Kumar, A Sinha
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2008
Identifying important connectivity areas for the wide‐ranging Asian elephant across conservation landscapes of Northeast India
D Vasudev, VR Goswami, N Srinivas, BLN Syiem, A Sarma
Diversity and Distributions 27 (12), 2510-2526, 2021
Coupled effects of climatic forcing and the human footprint on wildlife movement and space use in a dynamic floodplain landscape
VR Goswami, D Vasudev, B Joshi, P Hait, P Sharma
Science of the Total Environment 758, 144000, 2021
Mate choice interacts with movement limitations to influence effective dispersal
D Vasudev, RJ Fletcher Jr
Ecological Modelling 327, 65-73, 2016
Dog in the matrix: envisioning countrywide connectivity conservation for an endangered carnivore
RG Rodrigues, A Srivathsa, D Vasudev
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (1), 223-237, 2022
Conservation opportunities and challenges emerge from assessing nuanced stakeholder attitudes towards the Asian elephant in tea estates of Assam, Northeast India
D Vasudev, VR Goswami, P Hait, P Sharma, B Joshi, Y Karpate, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 22, e00936, 2020
Photographic database informs management of conflict tigers
KU Karanth, NS Kumar, D Vasudev
Oryx 48 (4), 484-484, 2014
Detecting dispersal: a spatial dynamic occupancy model to reliably quantify connectivity across heterogeneous conservation landscapes
D Vasudev, VR Goswami, MK Oli
Biological Conservation 253, 108874, 2021
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