Ariana Garrote
Ariana Garrote
PostDoc, PH FHNW
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Citat de
Facilitating the social participation of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools: A review of school-based interventions
A Garrote, RS Dessemontet, EM Opitz
Educational Research Review 20, 12-23, 2017
The relationship between social participation and social skills of pupils with an intellectual disability: A study in inclusive classrooms.
A Garrote
Frontline Learning Research 5 (1), 1-15, 2017
Social acceptance in inclusive classrooms: The role of teacher attitudes toward inclusion and classroom management
A Garrote, F Felder, H Krähenmann, S Schnepel, R Sermier Dessemontet, ...
Frontiers in Education 5, 582873, 2020
Effects of teacher feedback behavior on social acceptance in inclusive elementary classrooms: Exploring social referencing processes in a natural setting
A Wullschleger, A Garrote, S Schnepel, L Jaquiéry, EM Opitz
Contemporary Educational Psychology 60, 101841, 2020
Soziale Teilhabe von Kindern in inklusiven Klassen
A Garrote
Empirische Pädagogik (EP) 30 (1), 67-80, 2016
Teacher expectations and parental stress during emergency distance learning and their relationship to students’ perception
A Garrote, E Niederbacher, J Hofmann, I Roesti, MP Neuenschwander
Frontiers in Psychology, 3961, 2021
Mathematische Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit dem Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung. Eine Querschnittstudie
A Garrote, E Moser Opitz, C Ratz
Empirische Sonderpädagogik 7 (1), 24-40, 2015
Longitudinal changes in Swiss adolescent’s mental health outcomes from before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
B Ertanir, W Kassis, A Garrote
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (23), 12734, 2021
Modifying biased teacher expectations in mathematics and German: A teacher intervention study
MP Neuenschwander, C Mayland, E Niederbacher, A Garrote
Learning and Individual Differences 87, 101995, 2021
Academic achievement and social interactions: A longitudinal analysis of peer selection processes in inclusive elementary classrooms
A Garrote
Frontiers in Education 5, 4, 2020
Social participation in inclusive classrooms: Empirical and theoretical foundations of an intervention program
A Garrote, RS Dessemontet
Journal of cognitive education and psychology 14 (3), 375, 2015
Fernunterricht während der Coronavirus-Pandemie: Analyse von Herausforderungen und Gelingensbedingungen.
A Garrote, M Neuenschwander, J Hofmann, C Mayland, E Niederbacher, ...
Die Wirkung von unterschiedlichen Formen von co-teaching auf die von den Schülerinnen und Schülern wahrgenommene Unterrichtsqualität in inklusiven Klassen
E Moser Opitz, K Maag Merki, R Pfaffhauser, M Stöckli, A Garrote
Unterrichtswissenschaft 49 (3), 443-466, 2021
Peer status as a potential risk or protective factor: A latent profile analysis on peer status and its association with internalizing symptoms in adolescents with and without …
CA Favre, D Aksoy, C Janousch, A Garrote
Children 9 (5), 599, 2022
Mathematische Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Geistige Entwicklung. Erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie
E Moser Opitz, A Garrote, C Ratz
Beltz Juventa, 2014
Friendship networks in inclusive elementary classrooms: Changes and stability related to students’ gender and self-perceived social inclusion
A Garrote, CLA Zurbriggen, S Schwab
Social Psychology of Education 26 (6), 1479-1497, 2023
Soziale Interaktionen in Integrationsklassen fördern
A Garrote, E Moser Opitz
Stiftung Schweizer Zentrum für Heil-und Sonderpädagogik, 2017
Erfassung von mathematischen Kompetenzen im Vorschulalter mit MARKO-D
A Garrote, EM Opitz
Diagnostica, 2020
The social relationships of students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms
A Garrote, E Moser Opitz
Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 2021
Grouping nationalities based on students’ estimation of stereotype contents in Switzerland
MP Neuenschwander, A Garrote, M Huttasch
Journal of International Migration and Integration 25 (4), 1715-1732, 2024
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