Khalid Mahmood, Senior Member IEEE,                           ACM Professional Member
Khalid Mahmood, Senior Member IEEE, ACM Professional Member
Post-doc Research Fellow, University of Padua
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe yuntech.edu.tw - Pagina de pornire
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Citat de
An elliptic curve cryptography based lightweight authentication scheme for smart grid communication
K Mahmood, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, S Kumari, X Li, AK Sangaiah
Future Generation Computer Systems 81, 557-565, 2018
A lightweight message authentication scheme for smart grid communications in power sector
K Mahmood, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, T Shon, HF Ahmad
Computers & Electrical Engineering 52, 114-124, 2016
A secure blockchain-based e-health records storage and sharing scheme
S Shamshad, K Mahmood, S Kumari, CM Chen
Journal of Information Security and Applications 55, 102590, 2020
Pairing based anonymous and secure key agreement protocol for smart grid edge computing infrastructure
K Mahmood, X Li, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, S Kumari, AK Sangaiah, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 88, 491-500, 2018
An improved and secure biometric authentication scheme for telecare medicine information systems based on elliptic curve cryptography
SA Chaudhry, K Mahmood, H Naqvi, MK Khan
Journal of Medical Systems 39, 1-12, 2015
Lightweight authentication protocol for e-health clouds in IoT-based applications through 5G technology
MF Ayub, K Mahmood, S Kumari, AK Sangaiah
Digital Communications and Networks 7 (2), 235-244, 2021
An improved remote user authentication scheme using elliptic curve cryptography
SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, K Mahmood, HF Ahmad, MK Khan
Wireless Personal Communications 96, 5355-5373, 2017
Provable secure identity-based anonymous and privacy-preserving inter-vehicular authentication protocol for VANETS using PUF
M Umar, SKH Islam, K Mahmood, S Ahmed, Z Ghaffar, MA Saleem
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (11), 12158-12167, 2021
A clogging resistant secure authentication scheme for fog computing services
Z Ali, SA Chaudhry, K Mahmood, S Garg, Z Lv, YB Zikria
Computer Networks 185, 107731, 2021
An enhanced anonymous identity‐based key agreement protocol for smart grid advanced metering infrastructure
K Mahmood, J Arshad, SA Chaudhry, S Kumari
International Journal of Communication Systems 32 (16), e4137, 2019
A provably secure RFID authentication protocol based on elliptic curve for healthcare environments
MS Farash, O Nawaz, K Mahmood, SA Chaudhry, MK Khan
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-7, 2016
Designing secure and lightweight user access to drone for smart city surveillance
S Hussain, K Mahmood, MK Khan, CM Chen, BA Alzahrani, SA Chaudhry
Computer Standards & Interfaces 80, 103566, 2022
A scalable and secure RFID mutual authentication protocol using ECC for Internet of Things
M Naeem, SA Chaudhry, K Mahmood, M Karuppiah, S Kumari
International Journal of Communication Systems 33 (13), e3906, 2020
A secure and lightweight authentication scheme for next generation IoT infrastructure
M Rana, A Shafiq, I Altaf, M Alazab, K Mahmood, SA Chaudhry, YB Zikria
Computer Communications 165, 85-96, 2021
An enhanced scheme for mutual authentication for healthcare services
S Shamshad, MF Ayub, K Mahmood, S Kumari, SA Chaudhry, CM Chen
Digital Communications and Networks 8 (2), 150-161, 2022
A lightweight key agreement and authentication scheme for satellite-communication systems
I Altaf, MA Saleem, K Mahmood, S Kumari, P Chaudhary, CM Chen
IEEE Access 8, 46278-46287, 2020
Comments on “AKM-IoV: Authenticated key management protocol in fog computing-based internet of vehicles deployment”
MA Saleem, K Mahmood, S Kumari
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (5), 4671-4675, 2020
An improved authentication scheme for remote data access and sharing over cloud storage in cyber-physical-social-systems
Z Ghaffar, S Ahmed, K Mahmood, SH Islam, MM Hassan, G Fortino
IEEE Access 8, 47144-47160, 2020
An identity based authentication protocol for smart grid environment using physical uncloneable function
HMS Badar, S Qadri, S Shamshad, MF Ayub, K Mahmood, N Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 4426-4434, 2021
A novel authentication and key‐agreement scheme for satellite communication network
I Altaf, M Arslan Akram, K Mahmood, S Kumari, H Xiong, M Khurram Khan
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (7), e3894, 2021
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