Anna J Markowitz
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Changes in health risk behaviors for males and females from early adolescence through early adulthood.
JR Mahalik, R Levine Coley, C McPherran Lombardi, A Doyle Lynch, ...
Health psychology 32 (6), 685, 2013
Associations between household food insecurity in early childhood and children's kindergarten skills
AD Johnson, AJ Markowitz
Child Development 89 (2), e1-e17, 2018
New evidence on teacher turnover in early childhood
D Bassok, AJ Markowitz, L Bellows, K Sadowski
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 43 (1), 172-180, 2021
Associations between family structure change and child behavior problems: The moderating effect of family income
RM Ryan, A Claessens, AJ Markowitz
Child development 86 (1), 112-127, 2015
Food insecurity and family well-being outcomes among households with young children
AD Johnson, AJ Markowitz
The Journal of Pediatrics 196, 275-282, 2018
Changes in income-based gaps in parent activities with young children from 1988 to 2012
A Kalil, KM Ziol-Guest, RM Ryan, AJ Markowitz
AERA Open 2 (3), 2332858416653732, 2016
Teacher-child racial/ethnic match and parental engagement with Head Start
AJ Markowitz, D Bassok, JA Grissom
American Educational Research Journal 57 (5), 2132-2174, 2020
Father absence and adolescent depression and delinquency: A comparison of siblings approach
AJ Markowitz, RM Ryan
Journal of marriage and family 78 (5), 1300-1314, 2016
Examining the validity of a widely-used school readiness assessment: Implications for teachers and early childhood programs
JM Russo, AP Williford, AJ Markowitz, VE Vitiello, D Bassok
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 48, 14-25, 2019
Changes in school engagement as a function of No Child Left Behind: A comparative interrupted time series analysis
AJ Markowitz
American educational research journal 55 (4), 721-760, 2018
Are there differences in parents’ preferences and search processes across preschool types? Evidence from Louisiana
D Bassok, P Magouirk, AJ Markowitz, D Player
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 44, 43-54, 2018
Associations between school connection and depressive symptoms from adolescence through early adulthood: moderation by early adversity
AJ Markowitz
Journal of research on adolescence 27 (2), 298-311, 2017
Leveraging developmental insights to improve early childhood education
AJ Markowitz, D Bassok, B Hamre
Child Development Perspectives 12 (2), 87-92, 2018
Early childhood maltreatment and girls' sexual behavior: The mediating role of pubertal timing
RM Ryan, J Mendle, AJ Markowitz
Journal of Adolescent Health 57 (3), 342-347, 2015
Are parents’ ratings and satisfaction with preschools related to program features?
D Bassok, AJ Markowitz, D Player, M Zagardo
AERA Open 4 (1), 2332858418759954, 2018
Food insecurity: what are its effects, why, and what can policy do about it?
CT Hines, AJ Markowitz, AD Johnson
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2), 127-135, 2021
Variation in impacts of Tulsa pre-K on cognitive development in kindergarten: The role of instructional support.
AD Johnson, AJ Markowitz, CJ Hill, DA Phillips
Developmental psychology 52 (12), 2145, 2016
Systemwide quality improvement in early childhood education: Evidence from Louisiana
D Bassok, P Magouirk, AJ Markowitz
AERA Open 7, 23328584211011610, 2021
Changes in academic instructional experiences in Head Start classrooms from 2001–2015
AJ Markowitz, A Ansari
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 53, 534-550, 2020
Neighborhood income and the expression of callous–unemotional traits
AJ Markowitz, RM Ryan, AA Marsh
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 24 (9), 1103-1118, 2015
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