Guanxi Yan (鄢冠曦)
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A lattice Boltzmann investigation of steady-state fluid distribution, capillary pressure and relative permeability of a porous medium: Effects of fluid and geometrical properties
Z Li, S Galindo-Torres, G Yan, A Scheuermann, L Li
Advances in water resources 116, 153-166, 2018
Transient two-phase flow in porous media: a literature review and engineering application in geotechnics
G Yan, Z Li, SA Galindo Torres, A Scheuermann, L Li
Geotechnics 2 (1), 32-90, 2022
Pore-scale simulations of simultaneous steady-state two-phase flow dynamics using a lattice Boltzmann model: Interfacial area, capillary pressure and relative permeability
Z Li, S Galindo-Torres, G Yan, A Scheuermann, L Li
Transport in Porous Media 129, 295-320, 2019
Application of spatial time domain reflectometry for investigating moisture content dynamics in unsaturated loamy sand for gravitational drainage
G Yan, T Bore, Z Li, S Schlaeger, A Scheuermann, L Li
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 2994, 2021
A lattice Boltzmann exploration of two-phase displacement in 2D porous media under various pressure boundary conditions
G Yan, Z Li, T Bore, SAG Torres, A Scheuermann, L Li
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (6), 1782-1798, 2022
Experimental and numerical studies of a strip footing on geosynthetic-reinforced sand
Y Xu, G Yan, DJ Williams, M Serati, A Scheuermann, T Vangsness
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 20 (5), 267-280, 2020
Discovery of dynamic two-phase flow in porous media using two-dimensional multiphase lattice Boltzmann simulation
G Yan, Z Li, T Bore, SAG Torres, A Scheuermann, L Li
Energies 14 (13), 4044, 2021
The technical challenges for applying unsaturated soil sensors to conduct laboratory-scale seepage experiments
G Yan, T Bore, H Bhuyan, S Schlaeger, A Scheuermann
Sensors 22 (10), 3724, 2022
Investigating scale effects in soil water retention curve via spatial time domain reflectometry
G Yan, T Bore, S Schlaeger, A Scheuermann, L Li
Journal of Hydrology 612, 128238, 2022
Size distribution measurement for densely binding bubbles via image analysis
Y Ma, G Yan, A Scheuermann, D Bringemeier, XZ Kong, L Li
Experiments in fluids 55, 1-6, 2014
The hydraulic properties of aquabeads considering Forchheimer flow and local heterogeneity
G Yan, Y Ma, A Scheuermann, L Li
Geotechnical Testing Journal 45 (4), 891-900, 2022
Discrete microbubbles flow in transparent porous media
Y Ma, G Yan, A Scheuermann, L Li, SA Galindo-Torres, D Bringemeier
Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, 1219-1223, 2020
Measurement of in-situ flow rate in borehole by heat pulse flowmeter: Field-case study and reflection
B Liu, G Yan, Y Ma, A Scheuermann
Geosciences 13 (5), 146, 2023
Intrinsic permeabilities of transparent soil under various aqueous environmental conditions
G Yan, H Shi, Y Ma, A Scheuermann, L Li
Géotechnique Letters 12 (3), 1-7, 2022
Porewater exchange and iron transformation in a coastal groundwater system: a field investigation, driving mechanisms analysis, and conceptual model
W Cao, H Hofmann, G Yan, A Scheuermann
Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1385517, 2024
State-of-the-art on Fe Precipitation in Porous Media: Hydrogeochemical Processes and Evolving Parameters
W Cao, G Yan, H Hofmann, A Scheuermann
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12 (4), 690, 2024
Impacts of Tidal Oscillations on Coastal Groundwater System in Reclaimed Land
J Guo, Y Ma, C Ding, H Zhao, Z Cheng, G Yan, Z You
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (10), 2019, 2023
Discrete Bubble Flow in Granular Porous Media via Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation
Y Ma, G Yan, A Scheuermann
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 947625, 2022
Mesoscopic model framework for liquid slip in a confined parallel-plate flow channel
Z Li, J Li, G Yan, S Galindo-Torres, A Scheuermann, L Li
Physical Review Fluids 6 (3), 034203, 2021
Dynamic effect in capillary pressure–saturation relationship using lattice Boltzmann simulation
G Yan, Z Li, T Bore, S Galindo-Torres, A Scheuermann, L Li
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Asia Urban GeoEngineering …, 2018
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