Junchen Yao
Junchen Yao
CMA Center for Earth System Modeling and Prediction, CMA
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cma.gov.cn
Citat de
Citat de
Comparison of CMIP6 and CMIP5 simulations of precipitation in China and the East Asian summer monsoon
X Xin, T Wu, J Zhang, J Yao, Y Fang
International Journal of Climatology 40 (15), 6423-6440, 2020
BCC-CSM2-HR: a high-resolution version of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model
T Wu, R Yu, Y Lu, W Jie, Y Fang, J Zhang, L Zhang, X Xin, L Li, Z Wang, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2020, 1-64, 2020
Improved performance of high-resolution atmospheric models in simulating the East Asian summer monsoon rain belt
J Yao, T Zhou, Z Guo, X Chen, L Zou, Y Sun
Journal of Climate 30 (21), 8825-8840, 2017
Chinese contribution to CMIP5: An overview of five Chinese models’ performances
T Zhou, X Chen, L Dong, B Wu, W Man, L Zhang, R Lin, J Yao, F Song, ...
Journal of Meteorological Research 28 (4), 481-509, 2014
东亚夏季风变化机理的模拟和未来变化的预估: 成绩和问题, 机遇和挑战
周天军, 吴波, 郭准, 何超, 邹立维, 陈晓龙, 张丽霞, 满文敏, 李普曦, ...
大气科学 42 (4), 902-934, 2018
Development of coupled data assimilation with the BCC climate system model: Highlighting the role of sea‐ice assimilation for global analysis
X Liu, J Yao, T Wu, S Zhang, F Xu, L Zhang, W Jie, W Zhou, Q Li, X Liang, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13 (4), e2020MS002368, 2021
Extended-range prediction
F Vitart, M Balmaseda, L Ferranti, A Benedetti, B Sarogini, S Tietsche, ...
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, 2019
Investigating the ENSO prediction skills of the Beijing Climate Center climate prediction system version 2
Y Cheng, Y Tang, T Wu, X Xin, X Liu, J Li, X Liang, Q Li, J Yao, J Yan
Acta Oceanologica Sinica 41 (5), 99-109, 2022
Progress of MJO prediction at CMA from phase I to phase II of the sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project
J Yao, X Liu, T Wu, J Yan, Q Li, W Jie
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 40 (10), 1799-1815, 2023
基于气候系统模式 FGOALS-g2 的热带气旋活动及其影响的动力降尺度模拟
姚隽琛, 周天军, 邹立维
大气科学 42 (1), 150-163, 2018
How to choose credible ensemble members for the sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction of precipitation?
W Jie, T Wu, F Vitart, X Liu, Y Lu, J Yao, H Zhao
Climate Dynamics 61 (3), 1257-1276, 2023
The impact of coupled data assimilation on Madden–Julian Oscillation predictability initialized from coupled satellite-era reanalysis
J Yao, F Vitart, MA Balmaseda, T Wu, X Liu
Monthly Weather Review 149 (9), 2897-2912, 2021
区域耦合模式 FROALS 模拟的西北太平洋热带气旋潜势分布与年际变率: 耦合与非耦合试验比较
姚隽琛, 周天军, 邹立维
大气科学 39 (4), 802-814, 2015
Improved simulation of Antarctic sea ice by parameterized thickness of new ice in a coupled climate model
Y Fang, J Yao, T Wu, F Wu, J Li
Geophysical Research Letters 51 (15), e2024GL110166, 2024
A coordinated sea‐ice assimilation scheme jointly using sea‐ice concentration and thickness observations with a coupled climate model
X Liu, J Yao, S Zhang, T Wu, Z Chen, Y Fang, M Chu, J Yan, W Jie
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16 (3), e2023MS003608, 2024
Toward Improvement in Process Understanding and Modeling of the Tropical Pacific I
SE Lucas, WS Kessler, A Subramanian, A Verdy
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020
Towards improvement in process understanding and modeling of the Tropical Pacific
A Subramanian, A Verdy, M Balmaseda, SE Cravatte, MF Cronin, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, OS033-01, 2020
Technical Memo
F Vitart, M Balmaseda, L Ferranti, A Benedetti, B Sarojini, S Tietsche, ...
Improved performances of High Resolution Climate Models in the simulation of East-Asian Summer Monsoon Rainbelt
J Yao, T Zhou, Y Sun, L Zou
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-10829, 2016
区域海气耦合模式 FROALS 的发展及其应用
周天军, 邹立维, 韩振宇, 刘博, 姚隽琛
大气科学 40 (1), 86-101, 2016
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