sakshi kaushal
sakshi kaushal
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe pu.ac.in
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A hybrid multi-objective particle swarm optimization for scientific workflow scheduling
A Verma, S Kaushal
Parallel Computing 62, 1-19, 2017
The utility based non-linear fuzzy AHP optimization model for network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks
RK Goyal, S Kaushal, AK Sangaiah
Applied Soft Computing 67, 800-811, 2018
Cost-time efficient scheduling plan for executing workflows in the cloud
A Verma, S Kaushal
Journal of Grid Computing 13, 495-506, 2015
Cloud computing security issues and challenges: a survey
A Verma, S Kaushal
International conference on advances in computing and communications, 445-454, 2011
Deadline constraint heuristic-based genetic algorithm for workflow scheduling in cloud
A Verma, S Kaushal
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 5 (2), 96-106, 2014
Bi-criteria priority based particle swarm optimization workflow scheduling algorithm for cloud
A Verma, S Kaushal
2014 Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 1-6, 2014
Handover optimization scheme for LTE-Advance networks based on AHP-TOPSIS and Q-learning
T Goyal, S Kaushal
Computer Communications 133, 67-76, 2019
Deadline and budget distribution based cost-time optimization workflow scheduling algorithm for cloud
A Verma, S Kaushal
IJCA Proceedings on international conference on recent advances and future …, 2012
Security concerns in cloud computing
PJ Kaur, S Kaushal
international conference on high performance architecture and grid computing …, 2011
Abusive content detection in online user-generated data: a survey
S Kaur, S Singh, S Kaushal
Procedia Computer Science 189, 274-281, 2021
Affective state and learning environment based analysis of students’ performance in online assessment
P Kaur, H Kumar, S Kaushal
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2, 12-20, 2021
IoT and deep learning-inspired multi-model framework for monitoring Active Fire Locations in Agricultural Activities
A Sharma, K Kumar, Harish, K Mittal, S Kaushal, M Kaushal, D Gupta, ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering 93, 2021
Budget constrained priority based genetic algorithm for workflow scheduling in cloud
A Verma, S Kaushal
Fifth international conference on advances in recent technologies in …, 2013
Pricing models in cloud computing
S Kansal, G Singh, H Kumar, S Kaushal
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on information and …, 2014
Genetic algorithm-based cost minimization pricing model for on-demand IaaS cloud service
S Kansal, H Kumar, S Kaushal, AK Sangaiah
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (3), 1536-1561, 2020
An intelligent scheduling scheme for real-time traffic management using Cooperative Game Theory and AHP-TOPSIS methods for next generation telecommunication networks
T Goyal, S Kaushal
Expert Systems with Applications 86, 125-134, 2017
Cost minimized PSO based workflow scheduling plan for cloud computing
A Verma, S Kaushal
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 7 (8 …, 2015
Exploration and comparison of different 4G technologies implementations: A survey
P Datta, S Kaushal
2014 Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 1-6, 2014
Deriving crisp and consistent priorities for fuzzy AHP-based multicriteria systems using non-linear constrained optimization
RK Goyal, S Kaushal
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 17, 195-209, 2018
Modelling and analysis of multi-objective service selection scheme in IoT-cloud environment
C Singla, N Mahajan, S Kaushal, A Verma, AK Sangaiah
Cognitive Computing for Big Data Systems Over IoT: Frameworks, Tools and …, 2018
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