Lin Guo
Lin Guo
Syracuse University, The Ohio State University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe syr.edu
Citat de
Citat de
Using metacognitive prompts to enhance self‐regulated learning and learning outcomes: A meta‐analysis of experimental studies in computer‐based learning environments
L Guo
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, http://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12650, 2022
How should reflection be supported in higher education? — A meta-analysis of reflection interventions
L Guo
Reflective Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14623943.2021.1995856, 2021
Modeling the relationship of metacognitive knowledge, L1 reading ability, L2 language proficiency and L2 reading.
L Guo
Reading in a Foreign Language 30 (2), 2018
The delayed, durable effect of expressive writing on depression, anxiety and stress: A meta‐analytic review of studies with long‐term follow‐ups
L Guo
British Journal of Clinical Psychology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjc.12408, 2023
The effects of self-monitoring on strategy use and academic performance: A meta-analysis
L Guo
International Journal of Educational Research 112, https://doi.org/10.1016/j …, 2022
Reflect on emotional events from an observer’s perspective: a meta-analysis of experimental studies
L Guo
Cognition and Emotion, https://doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2022.21, 2022
Effects of the initial test interval and feedback timing on L2 vocabulary retention
L Guo
The Language Learning Journal 49 (3), 382-398, 2021
The Effects of the Format and Frequency of Prompts on Source Evaluation and Multiple-Text Comprehension
L Guo
Reading Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1080/02702711.2022.21, 2023
The Correlation Between Mindfulness, Decentering, and Psychological Problems: A Structural Equation Modeling Meta-Analysis
L Guo
Mindfulness 15 (8), 1873–1895, 2024
Find a Resting Place for Your Emotions and Make it Yours: A Meta-Analysis of Expressive Writing Interventions Among Asian Populations
L Guo
Cognitive Therapy and Research, https://rdcu.be/diGz9, 2023
Seeking Alternatives: How Task Instruction Affects Comprehension of Texts with Conflicting Information
L Guo
Reading Psychology 43 (1), 40-69, 2022
Timing matters: The interplay of the retrieval frequency and temporal distance between retrieving a prior list and encoding a new list in vocabulary retention
L Guo
Learning and Motivation 70, 101629, 2020
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