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Genetic diversity and relationships within Citrus and related genera based on sequence related amplified polymorphism markers (SRAPs)
A Uzun, T Yesiloglu, Y Aka-Kacar, O Tuzcu, O Gulsen
Scientia horticulturae 121 (3), 306-312, 2009
A reference genetic map of C. clementina hort. ex Tan.; citrus evolution inferences from comparative mapping
P Ollitrault, J Terol, C Chen, CT Federici, S Lotfy, I Hippolyte, F Ollitrault, ...
BMC genomics 13, 1-20, 2012
Molecular and pomological diversity among pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars in Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey
C Durgaç, M Özgen, O Simsek, YA Kaçar, Y Kiyga, S Çelebi, K Gündüz, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (9), 2008
Somatic hybridization for citrus rootstock breeding: an effective tool to solve some important issues of the Mediterranean citrus industry
D Dambier, H Benyahia, G Pensabene-Bellavia, Y Aka Kaçar, ...
Plant cell reports 30, 883-900, 2011
The effect of mycorrhiza in nutrient uptake and biomass of cherry rootstocks during acclimatization
Y Aka-Kacar, C Akpinar, A Agar, Y Yalcin-Mendi, S Serce, I Ortas
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 15 (3), 5246-5252, 2010
An overview and recent progress of plant growth regulators (PGRs) in the mitigation of abiotic stresses in fruits: A review
G Zahid, S Iftikhar, F Shimira, HM Ahmad, YA Kaçar
Scientia Horticulturae 309, 111621, 2023
Genetic Transformation in Citrus
D Donmez, O Simsek, T Izgu, Y Aka Kacar, Y Yalcin Mendi
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 491207, 2013
Chemical composition of the essential oils from some citrus species and evaluation of the antimicrobial activity
T Bozkurt, O Gülnaz, YA Kaçar
Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 11 (10), 29-33, 2017
Gelling agents and culture vessels affect in vitro multiplication of banana plantlets
YA Kacar, B Biçen, I Varol, YY Mendi, S Serçe, S Çetiner
Genetics and Molecular Research 9 (1), 416-424, 2010
Genetic diversity among melon accessions (Cucumis melo) from Turkey based on SSR markers
YA Kaçar, O Simsek, I Solmaz, N Sari, YY Mendi
Genetic characterization of heat tolerant tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) genotypes by SRAP and RAPD markers
N Comlekcioglu, Ö Şimşek, M Boncuk, Y Aka-Kacar
Genetics and molecular research 9 (4), 2010
Sweet cherry cultivar identification by using SSR markers
Y Aka Kaçar, AF Lezzoni, S Çetiner
Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (5), 616-619, 2005
In vitro propagation of Ficus carica L. var. Bursa Siyahi through meristem culture
A Demiralay, Y Yalçin-Mendi, Y Aka-Kaçar, S Cetiner
I International Symposium on Fig 480, 165-168, 1997
The genetic characterization of Turkish watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) accessions using RAPD markers
I Solmaz, N Sari, Y Aka-Kacar, NY Yalcin-Mendi
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 57, 763-771, 2010
Evaluation of genetic diversity in lemons and some of their relatives based on SRAP and SSR markers
A Uzun, T Yesiloglu, I Polat, Y Aka-Kacar, O Gulsen, B Yildirim, O Tuzcu, ...
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 29, 693-701, 2011
Distinguishing grapefruit and pummelo accessions using ISSR markers
A Uzun, O GÜLŞEN, T YEŞİLOĞLU, Y Aka-Kacar, O Tuzcu
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 46 (4), 2010
Growth media and mycorrhizal species effect on acclimatization and nutrient uptake of banana plantlets
I Ortas, M Rafique, C Akpinar, YA Kacar
Scientia horticulturae 217, 55-60, 2017
Somatic embryogenesis of Turkish Cyclamen persicum Mill
M Kocak, T Izgu, B Sevindik, M Tutuncu, P Curuk, O Simsek, YA Kacar, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 172, 26-33, 2014
Relationships among Crataegus accessions sampled from Hatay, Turkey, as assessed by fruit characteristics and RAPD
S Serçe, Ö Şimşek, C Toplu, Ö Kamiloğlu, O Çalışkan, K Gündüz, ...
Genetic resources and crop evolution 58, 933-942, 2011
Molecular characterization of sour orange (Citrus aurantium) accessions and their relatives using SSR and SRAP markers
İ Polat, Y Kacar, T YEŞİLOĞLU, A Uzun, O Tuzcu, O GÜLŞEN, M İNCESU, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 11 (3), 2012
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