Maxim A. Rybachuk
Maxim A. Rybachuk
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the RAS
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cemi.rssi.ru
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Citat de
Development of ecosystems in the financial sector of Russia
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk, VA Karpinskaya
Upravlenets 11 (4), 2-15, 2020
System balance of the Russian economy: Regional perspective
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk
Ekonomika Regiona= Economy of Regions, 309, 2019
Psychological factors of economic behavior: a systemic view
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk, DV Ushakov
Terra economicus 16 (1), 20-36, 2018
System balance of the economy
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk
Moscow: Scientific Library (in Russian), 2017
System structure of the economy: Qualitative time-space analysis
G Kleiner, M Rybachuk
Fronteira: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science 5 (2 …, 2016
Strategic planning and systemic optimization of the national economy
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk, VA Karpinskaya
Studies on Russian Economic Development 33 (3), 243-248, 2022
System effects and risks of the digital economy: An analysis from the perspective of system economic theory
YV Danilina, MA Rybachuk
Economics of Contemporary Russia 86 (3), 119-138, 2019
Biophysical economics as a new economic paradigm
J Yan, L Feng, A Steblyanskaya, G Kleiner, M Rybachuk
International journal of public administration 42 (15-16), 1395-1407, 2019
A system approach to harmonization of the country model of innovative development
MA Rybachuk
Economics of Contemporary Russia, 2020
Are sustainable growth indicators in gas market companies comparable? The evidence from China and Russia
S Alina, W Zhen, R Elena, R Svetlana, R Maxim
Корпоративные финансы 13 (1), 76-92, 2019
The mentality of economic agents and institutional change: In search of an equilibrium model
G Kleiner, M Rybachuk, D Ushakov
Terra Economicus 19 (4), 6-20, 2021
System-balanced approach to the strategic management organization on an industrial enterprise
MA Rybachuk
Economic revival of Russia 4, 118-133, 2016
The genesis of the ecosystem form of production organization in a modern economy: Factors and results
VA Karpinskaya, MA Rybachuk
Journal of Economic regulation 12 (2), 85-99, 2021
Balance of system structure as a necessary condition for strategic stability of the enterprise
MA Rybachuk
Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Ekonomika i …, 2015
Carbon dioxide emissions reduction efficiency and growth potential: Case of China
A Steblyanskaya, M Ai, A Denisov, O Efimova, M Rybachuk
PSU Research Review 8 (2), 411-427, 2024
Agent-oriented model of professional expertise and decision making on individual public significant initiatives support
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk, DV Ushakov
Terra Economicus 17 (2), 23-39, 2019
Qualitative taxonomy of socio-economic systems and system self-organization
G Kleiner, M Rybachuk
CIAIQ2016 5, 2016
Razvitie ekosistem v finansovom sektore Rossii
GB Klejner, MA Rybachuk, VA Karpinskaya
Upravlenets, 2, 2020
The dialectic interaction of general scientific and disciplinary (by the example of natural science and economics)
MA Rybachuk
Journal of Economic Theory 1, 115-122, 2016
System balance of the Russian economy: Regional perspective. Ekonomika regiona= Economy of Region. 2019; 15 (2): 309-323
GB Kleiner, MA Rybachuk
Russ.). DOI 10, 2019-2, 0
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