Rodolfo Moreda Mendes
Rodolfo Moreda Mendes
Pesquisador Associado do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais - CEMADEN
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Understanding shallow landslides in Campos do Jordão municipality–Brazil: disentangling the anthropic effects from natural causes in the disaster of 2000
RM Mendes, MRM de Andrade, J Tomasella, MAE de Moraes, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 18 (1), 15-30, 2018
Deadly disasters in southeastern South America: flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro
E Alcântara, JA Marengo, J Mantovani, LR Londe, RLY San, E Park, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 23 (3), 1157-1175, 2023
Stability analysis on urban slopes: case study of an anthropogenic-induced landslide in São José dos Campos, Brazil
RM Mendes, MRM de Andrade, CA Graminha, CC Prieto, FF de Ávila, ...
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 36 (1), 599-610, 2018
Shalstab mathematical model and WorldView-2 satellite images to identification of landslide-susceptible areas
T König, HJH Kux, RM Mendes
Natural Hazards 97 (3), 1127-1149, 2019
The influence of land use/land cover variability and rainfall intensity in triggering landslides: a back-analysis study via physically based models
FF Ávila, RC Alvalá, RM Mendes, DJ Amore
Natural Hazards 105 (1), 1139-1161, 2021
Analysis of spatial variability of SPT penetration resistance in collapsible soils considering water table depth
RM Mendes, R Lorandi
Engineering Geology 101 (3-4), 218-225, 2008
Estudo das propriedades geotécnicas de solos residuais não saturados de Ubatuba (SP)
RM Mendes
Dotoral Thesis, Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2008
Combined analysis of electrical and electromagnetic methods with geotechnical soundings and soil characterization as applied to a landslide study in Campos do Jordão City, Brazil
CA Bortolozo, MFB Motta, MRM de Andrade, LVA Lavalle, RM Mendes, ...
Journal of applied geophysics 161, 1-14, 2019
Application of multichannel analysis of surface waves method (MASW) in an area susceptible to landslide at Ubatuba City, Brazil
SB Lima Júnior, RL Prado, RM Mendes
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2012
Correlation between rainfall and mass movements in North Coast Region of São Paulo State, Brazil for 2014-2018
D Metodiev, MRM de Andrade, RM Mendes, MAE de Moraes, T Konig, ...
International Journal of Geosciences 9 (12), 669, 2018
Estudo de limiares críticos de chuva deflagradores de deslizamentos no município de São José dos Campos/SP (Brasil)
RM Mendes, M Valerío Filho, MA Bertoldo, MF da Silva
Territorium, 119-129, 2015
Indicator kriging geostatistical methodology applied to geotechnics project planning
RM Mendes, R Lorandi
IAEG2006 Pap 527, 1-12, 2006
Geospatial analysis of geotechnical data applied to urban infrastructure planning
RM Mendes, R Lorandi
Journal of Geographic Information System 2 (1), 23-31, 2010
Real-time monitoring of climactic and geotechnical variables during landslides on the slopes of Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira (Sao Paulo State, Brazil)
RM Mendes, M Valé
Engineering 7 (3), 140-159, 2015
Identificação do potencial de contaminação de aquíferos livres por vinhaça na bacia do Ribeirão do Pântano, Descalvado (SP), Brasil
CÁR Junqueira, VEM Junior, LF Lossardo, B da Cunha Felicio, OM Junior, ...
Brazilian Journal of Geology 39 (3), 507-518, 2009
A precariedade dos serviços de esgotamento sanitário nos aglomerados subnormais do estado de São Paulo: uma chaga de difícil tratamento
JMS Vieira, M Valério Filho, RM Mendes
RDE-Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico 1 (1), 2024
Soil water retention curves for residual soils using traditional methods and MIP
RM Mendes, FAM Marinho
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 38 (5), 5167-5177, 2020
Evaluation methodology for obtaining geotechnical parameters using electrical resistivity
LVA Lavalle, CA Bortolozo, TCKF Pacheco, MRM de Andrade, MFB Motta, ...
First Break 36 (8), 55-58, 2018
Development of a soil moisture forecasting method for a landslide early warning system (LEWS): Pilot cases in coastal regions of Brazil
IA Sousa, CA Bortolozo, TSG Mendes, MRM de Andrade, GD Neto, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 131, 104631, 2023
Engineering geology mapping of the urban center area of São José do Rio Preto (Brazil) as an aid to urban planning
RM Mendes, R Lorandi
Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International Association for …, 2002
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