Bruno Bonfá-Araujo
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Citat de
Considering sadism in the shadow of the Dark Triad traits: A meta-analytic review of the Dark Tetrad
B Bonfá-Araujo, AR Lima-Costa, N Hauck-Filho, PK Jonason
Personality and Individual Differences 197, 111767, 2022
Estresse em Estudantes ao longo da Graduação Médica
SXL Kam, ALS Toledo, CC Pacheco, GFB Souza, VLM Santana, ...
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica 43 (1 suppl 1), 246-253, 2019
Depressed or satisfied? The relationship between the dark triad traits, depression, and life satisfaction
B Bonfá-Araujo, AR Lima-Costa, MN Baptista, N Hauck-Filho
Current Psychology 42 (5), 3520-3527, 2023
Seeing Things in Black‐and‐White: A Scoping Review on Dichotomous Thinking Style
B Bonfá‐Araujo, A Oshio, N Hauck‐Filho
Japanese Psychological Research 64 (4), 461-472, 2022
Dark and light triad: a cross-cultural comparison of network analysis in 5 countries
C Ramos-Vera, AG O'Diana, AS Villena, B Bonfá-Araujo, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 215, 112377, 2023
Emotional dysregulation scale–adults (EDEA): Validity evidence
G da S Cremasco, AC Pallini, B Bonfá-Araujo, APP Noronha, MN Baptista
Psicologia: teoria e prática 22 (2), 143-160, 2020
Light Triad Scale: Propriedades psicométricas da versão português-brasileira e a relação com aspectos positivos
L de Oliveira Barros, B Bonfá-Araujo, APP Noronha
Revista Psicologia em Pesquisa 16 (1), 1-21, 2022
The unidimensionality of evil: A rating scale analysis of the short dark triad
B Bonfá-Araujo, NC Simões, SR Zuchetto, N Hauck-Filho
Personality and Individual Differences 168, 2021
A tríade sombria da personalidade: afetos e lócus de controle
B Bonfá-Araujo, AR Lima-Costa, GS Cremasco, CP Sette, ADA Jesuíno
Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana 38 (3), 1, 2020
“All or nothing”: Extreme responding, dichotomous thinking, and the dark triad of personality
B Bonfá-Araujo, N Hauck Filho
Psico 52 (1), e35441-e35441, 2021
Screening for light personalities in Portugal: A cross-cultural validation of the Light Triad Scale with an at-risk-of-delinquency sample
P Pechorro, MN Baptista, B Bonfá-Araujo, C Nunes, M DeLisi
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology …, 2024
The dark side of giving: Examining the relationship between the Dark Tetrad and charitable behavior
B Bonfá-Araujo, B Simpson, JA Schermer
Personality and Individual Differences 208, 112188, 2023
“If not Mine, She Won't Belong to Another”: Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in a Femicide Perpetrator from Brazil
A Regis-Moura, LB Ferreira, B Bonfá-Araujo, F Iglesias
Violence against women 28 (12-13), 3135-3153, 2022
Avaliação Psicológica: A monitoria como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem
B Bonfá-Araujo, ES Farias
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional 24, 2020
The relationship between character strengths and the dark triad
LO Barros, B Bonfá-Araujo, APP Noronha
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) 39, e190180, 2022
The Dark Core of personality: Individual’s expression of locus of control and spirituality
B Bonfá-Araujo, AR Lima-Costa, LMF Couto, MN Baptista, N Hauck-Filho
Primenjena psihologija 14 (4), 465-481, 2021
Measuring the dark core of personality in Portugal: A psychometric examination of D
P Pechorro, R Rodrigues, B Bonfá-Araujo, M DeLisi, MR Simões
Deviant Behavior 45 (12), 1729-1742, 2024
Measuring the dark core: A Brazilian adaptation and comparison between the general population and incarcerated men
B Bonfá-Araujo, LB Ferreira, ADSA Jesuíno, N Hauck-Filho, F Iglesias
Journal of Criminal Justice 89, 102133, 2023
Avanços em Psicopatologia: Avaliação e Diagnóstico Baseados na CID-11
SE Oliveira, CM Trentini
Artmed Editora, 2023
Propensity to morally disengage scale: Psychometric properties and measurement invariance among a Portuguese sample
P Pechorro, B Bonfá-Araujo, MR Simões, C Nunes, M DeLisi
Deviant Behavior 45 (9), 1219-1230, 2024
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