Mohammed Almukaynizi
Mohammed Almukaynizi
Assistant Professor at King Saud University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe asu.edu
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Citat de
Darkembed: Exploit prediction with neural language models
N Tavabi, P Goyal, M Almukaynizi, P Shakarian, K Lerman
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Proactive Identification of Exploits in the Wild Through Vulnerability Mentions Online
M Almukaynizi, E Nunes, K Dharaiya, M Senguttuvan, J Shakarian, ...
2017 International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon U.S.), 82-88, 2017
Predicting cyber threats through hacker social networks in darkweb and deepweb forums
M Almukaynizi, A Grimm, E Nunes, J Shakarian, P Shakarian
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of The Computational Social …, 2017
Predicting enterprise cyber incidents using social network analysis on dark web hacker forums
S Sarkar, M Almukaynizi, J Shakarian, P Shakarian
The Cyber Defense Review, 87-102, 2019
Darkmention: A deployed system to predict enterprise-targeted external cyberattacks
M Almukaynizi, E Marin, E Nunes, P Shakarian, GI Simari, D Kapoor, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics …, 2018
Patch before exploited: An approach to identify targeted software vulnerabilities
M Almukaynizi, E Nunes, K Dharaiya, M Senguttuvan, J Shakarian, ...
AI in Cybersecurity, 81-113, 2019
Community finding of malware and exploit vendors on darkweb marketplaces
E Marin, M Almukaynizi, E Nunes, P Shakarian
2018 1st International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS …, 2018
Finding cryptocurrency attack indicators using temporal logic and darkweb data
M Almukaynizi, V Paliath, M Shah, M Shah, P Shakarian
2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics …, 2018
Mining user interaction patterns in the darkweb to predict enterprise cyber incidents
S Sarkar, M Almukaynizi, J Shakarian, P Shakarian
Social Network Analysis and Mining 9 (1), 57, 2019
Spin: a blockchain-based framework for sharing covid-19 pandemic information across nations
Y Alabdulkarim, A Alameer, M Almukaynizi, A Almaslukh
Applied Sciences 11 (18), 8767, 2021
Predicting hacker adoption on darkweb forums using sequential rule mining
E Marin, M Almukaynizi, E Nunes, J Shakarian, P Shakarian
2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …, 2018
Reasoning about future cyber-attacks through socio-technical hacking information
E Marin, M Almukaynizi, P Shakarian
2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2019
Systems and methods for predicting which software vulnerabilities will be exploited by malicious hackers to prioritize for patching
P Shakarian, M Almukaynizi, J Shakarian, E Nunes, K Dharaiya, ...
US Patent 11,892,897, 2024
Inductive and deductive reasoning to assist in cyber-attack prediction
E Marin, M Almukaynizi, P Shakarian
2020 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC …, 2020
Systems and methods for an at-risk system identification via analysis of online hacker community discussions
E Nunes, J Shakarian, P Shakarian, M Almukaynizi, H Singh, G Simari, ...
US Patent 11,693,972, 2023
Predicting no-shows for dental appointments
Y Alabdulkarim, M Almukaynizi, A Alameer, B Makanati, R Althumairy, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 8, e1147, 2022
Systems and methods for aggregating, ranking, and minimizing threats to computer systems based on external vulnerability intelligence
P Shakarian, J Shakarian, HS Sandhu, M Almukaynizi
US Patent App. 16/846,001, 2020
Systems and methods for a text mining approach for predicting exploitation of vulnerabilities
N Tavabi, P Goyal, K Lerman, M Almukaynizi, P Shakarian
US Patent 11,520,900, 2022
Exploring Malicious Hacker Communities: Toward Proactive Cyber-Defense
E Marin, M Almukaynizi, S Sarkar, E Nunes, J Shakarian, P Shakarian
Cambridge University Press, 2021
A logic programming approach to predict enterprise-targeted cyberattacks
M Almukaynizi, E Marin, M Shah, E Nunes, GI Simari, P Shakarian
Data science in cybersecurity and cyberthreat intelligence, 13-32, 2020
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