Sarah Dawkins
Sarah Dawkins
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe utas.edu.au
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Citat de
Psychological ownership: a review and research agenda
S Dawkins, A Tian, A Newman, A Martin
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The IRIOP Annual Review Issue, ., 0
Building on the positives: A psychometric review and critical analysis of the construct of psychological capital
S Dawkins, A Martin, J Scott, K Sanderson
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 86 (3), 348-370, 2013
Putting the leader back into authentic leadership: Reconceptualising and rethinking leaders
JA Crawford, S Dawkins, A Martin, G Lewis
Australian Journal of Management, 0312896219836460, 2019
Workplace mental health: An international review of guidelines
K Memish, A Martin, L Bartlett, S Dawkins, K Sanderson
Preventive Medicine 101, 213-222, 2017
Advancing conceptualization and measurement of psychological capital as a collective construct
S Dawkins, A Martin, J Scott, K Sanderson
human relations 68 (6), 925-949, 2015
Caring for the carer: a systematic review of pure technology-based cognitive behavioral therapy (TB-CBT) interventions for dementia carers
JL Scott, S Dawkins, MG Quinn, K Sanderson, KEJ Elliott, C Stirling, ...
Aging & Mental Health, 1-11, 2015
What is virtue? Advancing the conceptualization of virtue to inform positive organizational inquiry
T Newstead, R Macklin, S Dawkins, A Martin
Academy of Management Perspectives 32 (4), 443-457, 2018
Managing employees with mental health issues: Identification of conceptual and procedural knowledge for development within management education curricula
A Martin, M Woods, S Dawkins
Academy of Management Learning & Education 14 (1), 50-68, 2015
The Virtues Project: An Approach to Developing Good Leaders
T Newstead, S Dawkins, R Macklin, A Martin
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18, 2019
A cross-level model of team-level psychological capital (PsyCap) and individual-and team-level outcomes
S Dawkins, A Martin, J Scott, K Sanderson, B Schüz
Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20, 2018
How managers experience situations involving employee mental ill-health
A Martin, M Woods, S Dawkins
International Journal of Workplace Health Management 11 (6), 442-463, 2018
Conceptualising authentic followers and developing a future research agenda
J Crawford, S Dawkins, A Martin, G Lewis
Authentic Leadership and Followership, 271-293, 2018
New directions in Psychological Capital research: A critical analysis and theoretical and empirical extensions to individual-and team-level measurement.
SL Dawkins
University of Tasmania, 2014
Reasons for engagement: SME owner-manager motivations for engaging in a workplace mental health and wellbeing intervention
S Dawkins, A Martin, M Kilpatrick, J Scott
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 60 (10), 917-927, 2018
Understanding the organizational climate of unethical leadership in the Australian Football League
J Crawford, S Dawkins, A Martin, G Lewis
Journal of Leadership Studies 11 (2), 52-54, 2017
Psychological capital at the individual and team level: Implications for job satisfaction and turnover intentions of emergency services volunteers
A Martin, W O'Donohue, S Dawkins
Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management, 2011
4. Enhancing the psychological capital of teams: adapting an individual-level intervention for multi-level delivery and evaluation
S Dawkins, A Martin
Corporate Wellness Programs: Linking Employee and Organizational Health, 79, 2014
Is it all positive? A critical analysis of the current state of psychological capital research
S Dawkins, A Martin
Proceedings of the 24th ANZAM Conference, December, 7-10, 2010
An integrated approach to workplace mental health
A Martin, K Sanderson, E Warnecke, S Dawkins, L Bartlett, KE Memish, ...
7. A multilevel intervention model for promoting work–family enrichment during early parenting
A Martin, AR Cooklin, S Dawkins
Flourishing in Life, Work and Careers: Individual Wellbeing and Career …, 2015
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