Stefan Ernest Huber
Stefan Ernest Huber
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Ethylene glycol revisited: Molecular dynamics simulations and visualization of the liquid and its hydrogen-bond network
A Kaiser, O Ismailova, A Koskela, SE Huber, M Ritter, B Cosenza, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 189, 20-29, 2014
Detection of Negative Charge Carriers in Superfluid Helium Droplets: The Metastable Anions He*– and He2*–
A Mauracher, M Daxner, J Postler, SE Huber, S Denifl, P Scheier, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (14), 2444-2449, 2014
An SCC-DFTB repulsive potential for various ZnO polymorphs and the ZnO–water system
M Hellström, K Jorner, M Bryngelsson, SE Huber, J Kullgren, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (33), 17004-17015, 2013
Isomer selectivity in low‐energy electron attachment to nitroimidazoles
A Ribar, K Fink, M Probst, SE Huber, L Feketeová, S Denifl
Chemistry–A European Journal 23 (52), 12892-12899, 2017
Total and partial electron impact ionization cross sections of fusion-relevant diatomic molecules
SE Huber, A Mauracher, D Süß, I Sukuba, J Urban, D Borodin, M Probst
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (2), 2019
Leveraging the potential of large language models in education through playful and game-based learning
SE Huber, K Kiili, S Nebel, RM Ryan, M Sailer, M Ninaus
Educational Psychology Review 36 (1), 25, 2024
Permeation of low-Z atoms through carbon sheets: density functional theory study on energy barriers and deformation effects
SE Huber, A Mauracher, M Probst
arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.4014, 2012
Formation of dianions in helium nanodroplets
A Mauracher, M Daxner, SE Huber, J Postler, M Renzler, S Denifl, ...
Angewandte Chemie 126 (50), 14014-14017, 2014
Game elements enhance engagement and mitigate attrition in online learning tasks
SE Huber, R Cortez, K Kiili, A Lindstedt, M Ninaus
Computers in Human Behavior 149, 107948, 2023
On the properties of charged and neutral, atomic and molecular helium species in helium nanodroplets: interpreting recent experiments
SE Huber, A Mauracher
Molecular Physics 112 (5-6), 794-804, 2014
Hydrogen loss in aminobutanoic acid isomers by the σ* resonance formed in electron capture
V Vizcaino, B Puschnigg, SE Huber, M Probst, II Fabrikant, GA Gallup, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (4), 043017, 2012
Intelligence predicts choice in decision-making strategies
T Maran, T Ravet-Brown, M Angerer, M Furtner, SE Huber
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 84, 101483, 2020
Patterns of eye blinks are modulated by auditory input in humans
SE Huber, M Martini, P Sachse
Cognition 221, 104982, 2022
A precedent of van-der-Waals interactions outmatching Coulomb explosion
SE Huber, M Gatchell, H Zettergren, A Mauracher
Carbon 109, 843-850, 2016
Carbonic acid revisited: Vibrational spectra, energetics and the possibility of detecting an elusive molecule
SE Huber, S Dalnodar, W Kausch, S Kimeswenger, M Probst
AIP Advances 2 (3), 2012
Thermal stabilization of thin gold nanowires by surfactant-coating: a molecular dynamics study
SE Huber, C Warakulwit, J Limtrakul, T Tsukuda, M Probst
Nanoscale 4 (2), 585-590, 2012
Dissociation of methyl formate (HCOOCH3) molecules upon low-energy electron attachment
L Feketeová, A Pelc, A Ribar, SE Huber, S Denifl
Astronomy & Astrophysics 617, A102, 2018
Upper Limits to the Reaction Rate Coefficients of Cn and CnH (n = 2, 4, 6) with Molecular Hydrogen
ES Endres, O Lakhmanskaya, D Hauser, SE Huber, T Best, SS Kumar, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (33), 6705-6710, 2014
Electron impact ionization cross sections of beryllium-tungsten clusters
I Sukuba, A Kaiser, SE Huber, J Urban, M Probst
The European Physical Journal D 70, 1-10, 2016
Electron-Induced Chemistry of Cobalt Tricarbonyl Nitrosyl (Co(CO)3NO) in Liquid Helium Nanodroplets
J Postler, M Renzler, A Kaiser, SE Huber, M Probst, P Scheier, AM Ellis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (36), 20917-20922, 2015
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