Maria Dapkevicius
Maria Dapkevicius
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Biogenic amine formation and degradation by potential fish silage starter microorganisms
MLNE Dapkevicius, MJR Nout, FM Rombouts, JH Houben, W Wymenga
International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (1-2), 107-114, 2000
Escherichia coli as Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria among Food-Producing Animals: Health Implications of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL …
S Ramos, V Silva, MLE Dapkevicius, M Caniça, MT Tejedor-Junco, ...
Animals 10 (12), 2239, 2020
Genetic diversity, safety and technological characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from artisanal Pico cheese
MFP Domingos-Lopes, C Stanton, PR Ross, MLE Dapkevicius, CCG Silva
Food microbiology 63, 178-190, 2017
Lava cave microbial communities within mats and secondary mineral deposits: implications for life detection on other planets
DE Northup, LA Melim, MN Spilde, JJM Hathaway, MG Garcia, M Moya, ...
Astrobiology 11 (7), 601-618, 2011
Enterococci, from harmless bacteria to a pathogen
S Ramos, V Silva, MLE Dapkevicius, G Igrejas, P Poeta
Microorganisms 8 (8), 1118, 2020
Control of Listeria monocytogenes in fresh cheese using protective lactic acid bacteria
MC Coelho, CCG Silva, SC Ribeiro, M Dapkevicius, HJD Rosa
International journal of food microbiology 191, 53-59, 2014
Actinobacterial diversity in volcanic caves and associated geomicrobiological interactions
C Riquelme, JJ Marshall Hathaway, MLN Enes Dapkevicius, AZ Miller, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 1342, 2015
Storage temperature effect on histamine formation in big eye tuna and skipjack
Journal of Food Science 63 (4), 644-647, 1998
Genomic and Metabolic Characteristics of the Pathogenicity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
T De Sousa, M Hébraud, MLNE Dapkevicius, L Maltez, JE Pereira, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (23), 12892, 2021
Current trends of enterococci in dairy products: A comprehensive review of their multiple roles
MLE Dapkevicius, B Sgardioli, SPA Câmara, P Poeta, FX Malcata
Foods 10 (4), 821, 2021
Technological properties of bacteriocin‐producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from Pico cheese an artisanal cow's milk cheese
SC Ribeiro, MC Coelho, SD Todorov, BDGM Franco, MLE Dapkevicius, ...
Journal of applied microbiology 116 (3), 573-585, 2014
Comparison of bacterial diversity in Azorean and Hawai'ian lava cave microbial mats
JJM Hathaway, MG Garcia, MM Balasch, MN Spilde, FD Stone, ...
Geomicrobiology journal 31 (3), 205-220, 2014
Characterization of the bacterial biodiversity in Pico cheese (an artisanal Azorean food)
C Riquelme, S Câmara, N Maria de Lurdes, P Vinuesa, CCG da Silva, ...
International Journal of Food Microbiology 192, 86-94, 2015
Alternative pathways for hydrogen sink originated from the ruminal fermentation of carbohydrates: Which microorganisms are involved in lowering methane emission?
AM Pereira, M de Lurdes Nunes Enes Dapkevicius, AES Borba
Animal Microbiome 4 (1), 5, 2022
Potential of lactic acid bacteria from Pico cheese for starter culture development
SP Câmara, A Dapkevicius, C Riquelme, RB Elias, CCG Silva, ...
Food Science and Technology International 25 (4), 303-317, 2019
Valorization of winemaking by-products as a novel source of antibacterial properties: new strategies to fight antibiotic resistance
A Silva, V Silva, G Igrejas, I Gaivão, A Aires, N Klibi, ML Enes Dapkevicius, ...
Molecules 26 (8), 2331, 2021
Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae harboring extended spectrum β-lactamase encoding genes isolated from human septicemias
I Carvalho, NS Chenouf, JA Carvalho, AP Castro, V Silva, R Capita, ...
PLoS One 16 (5), e0250525, 2021
Biotechnological potential of Actinobacteria from Canadian and Azorean volcanic caves
C Riquelme, ML Enes Dapkevicius, AZ Miller, Z Charlop-Powers, S Brady, ...
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101, 843-857, 2017
Volcanic caves: priorities for conserving the Azorean endemic troglobiont species
PAV Borges, P Cardoso, IR Amorim, FEAP Pereira, JP Constância, ...
International Journal of Speleology 41 (1)), 101-112, 2012
Role of exposure to lactic acid bacteria from foods of animal origin in human health
C Miranda, D Contente, G Igrejas, SPA Câmara, MLE Dapkevicius, ...
Foods 10 (9), 2092, 2021
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