Global sensitivity analysis in hydrological modeling: Review of concepts, methods, theoretical framework, and applications X Song, J Zhang, C Zhan, Y Xuan, M Ye, C Xu Journal of hydrology 523, 739-757, 2015 | 635 | 2015 |
An efficient integrated approach for global sensitivity analysis of hydrological model parameters C Zhan, X Song, J Xia, C Tong Environmental Modelling & Software 41, 39-52, 2013 | 182 | 2013 |
Assessment of water resources carrying capacity in Tianjin City of China X Song, F Kong, C Zhan Water resources management 25, 857-873, 2011 | 180 | 2011 |
Rapid urbanization and changes in spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitation in Beijing metropolitan area X Song, J Zhang, A AghaKouchak, SS Roy, Y Xuan, G Wang, R He, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (19), 11,250-11,271, 2014 | 165 | 2014 |
气候变化和人类活动对水文循环影响研究进展 宋晓猛, 张建云, 占车生, 刘春蓁 水利学报 44 (7), 779-790, 2013 | 165 | 2013 |
Discussion on the urban flood and waterlogging and causes analysis in China J Zhang, Y Wang, R He, Q Hu, X Song Advances in Water Science 27 (4), 485-491, 2016 | 143 | 2016 |
中国城市洪涝问题及成因分析 张建云, 王银堂, 贺瑞敏, 胡庆芳, 宋晓猛 水科学进展 27 (4), 485-491, 2016 | 141 | 2016 |
变化环境下城市水文学的发展与挑战——I. 城市水文效应 张建云, 宋晓猛, 王国庆, 贺瑞敏, 王小军 水科学进展 25 (4), 594-605, 2014 | 129 | 2014 |
Review for impacts of climate change and human activities on water cycle XM Song, JY Zhang, CS Zhan, CZ Liu Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 44 (7), 779-790, 2013 | 129 | 2013 |
Development and challenges of urban hydrology in a changing environment: I: Hydrological response to urbanization J Zhang, X Song, G Wang, R HE, X WANG Advances in Water Science 25 (4), 594-605, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |
Application of Muskingum routing method with variable parameters in ungauged basin X Song, F Kong, Z Zhu Water Science and Engineering 4 (1), 1-12, 2011 | 88 | 2011 |
变化环境下城市水文学的发展与挑战——Ⅱ. 城市雨洪模拟与管理 宋晓猛, 张建云, 王国庆, 贺瑞敏, 王小军 水科学进展 25 (5), 752-764, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Development and challenges of urban hydrology in a changing environment: Ⅱ: Urban stormwater modeling and management X Song, J ZHANG, G WANG, R HE, X WANG Advances in water science 25 (5), 752-764, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Parameter identification and global sensitivity analysis of Xin'anjiang model using meta-modeling approach X Song, F Kong, C Zhan, J Han, X Zhang Water Science and Engineering 6 (1), 1-17, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
Hybrid optimization rainfall-runoff simulation based on Xinanjiang model and artificial neural network X Song, F Kong, C Zhan, J Han Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 17 (9), 1033-1041, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Changes in precipitation extremes in the Beijing metropolitan area during 1960–2012 X Song, J Zhang, X Zou, C Zhang, A AghaKouchak, F Kong Atmospheric Research 222, 134-153, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Impacts of climate change on water resources in the Yellow River basin and identification of global adaptation strategies G Wang, J Zhang, J Jin, J Weinberg, Z Bao, C Liu, Y Liu, X Yan, X Song, ... Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 22, 67-83, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
北京城市洪涝问题与成因分析 宋晓猛, 张建云, 贺瑞敏, 邹贤菊, 张春桦 水科学进展 30 (2), 153-165, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Advances in the study of uncertainty quantification of large-scale hydrological modeling system X Song, C Zhan, F Kong, J Xia Journal of Geographical Sciences 21, 801-819, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
Urban flood and waterlogging and causes analysis in Beijing X SONG, J ZHANG, R HE, X ZOU, C ZHANG Advances in Water Science 30 (2), 153-165, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |