Anders Rønnquist
Anders Rønnquist
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Additive construction: State-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities
N Labonnote, A Rønnquist, B Manum, P Rüther
Automation in construction 72, 347-366, 2016
Contact wire irregularity stochastics and effect on high-speed railway pantograph–catenary interactions
Y Song, Z Liu, A Rønnquist, P Nåvik, Z Liu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (10), 8196-8206, 2020
Long-term monitoring of wind field characteristics and dynamic response of a long-span suspension bridge in complex terrain
A Fenerci, O Øiseth, A Rønnquist
Engineering Structures 147, 269-284, 2017
Simplified prediction of wind-induced response and stability limit of slender long-span suspension bridges, based on modified quasi-steady theory: A case study
O Øiseth, A Rönnquist, R Sigbjörnsson
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 98 (12), 730-741, 2010
Wind deflection analysis of railway catenary under crosswind based on nonlinear finite element model and wind tunnel test
Y Song, M Zhang, O Øiseth, A Rønnquist
Mechanism and Machine Theory 168, 104608, 2022
A data-based structural health monitoring approach for damage detection in steel bridges using experimental data
BT Svendsen, GT Frøseth, O Øiseth, A Rønnquist
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 12 (1), 101-115, 2022
Probabilistic considerations on the effect of specimen size on the critical chloride content in reinforced concrete
U Angst, A Rønnquist, B Elsener, CK Larsen, Ø Vennesland
Corrosion Science 53 (1), 177-187, 2011
Operational modal analysis of an end-supported pontoon bridge
KA Kvåle, O Øiseth, A Rønnquist
Engineering Structures 148, 410-423, 2017
An enhanced forced vibration rig for wind tunnel testing of bridge deck section models in arbitrary motion
B Siedziako, O Øiseth, A Rønnquist
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 164, 152-163, 2017
Identification of system damping in railway catenary wire systems from full-scale measurements
P Nåvik, A Rønnquist, S Stichel
Engineering Structures 113, 71-78, 2016
Time domain modeling of self-excited aerodynamic forces for cable-supported bridges: A comparative study
O Øiseth, A Rönnquist, R Sigbjörnsson
Computers & structures 89 (13-14), 1306-1322, 2011
Influence line extraction by deconvolution in the frequency domain
GT Frøseth, A Rønnquist, D Cantero, O Øiseth
Computers & Structures 189, 21-30, 2017
Cluster-based reduced-order modelling of the flow in the wake of a high speed train
J Östh, E Kaiser, S Krajnović, BR Noack
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 145, 327-338, 2015
Variation in predicting pantograph–catenary interaction contact forces, numerical simulations and field measurements
P Nåvik, A Rønnquist, S Stichel
Vehicle System Dynamics 55 (9), 1265-1282, 2017
Efficient methodology for the probabilistic safety assessment of high-speed railway bridges
JM Rocha, AA Henriques, R Calçada, A Rönnquist
Engineering Structures 101, 138-149, 2015
Finite element formulation of the self-excited forces for time-domain assessment of wind-induced dynamic response and flutter stability limit of cable-supported bridges
O Øiseth, A Rönnquist, R Sigbjörnsson
Finite elements in analysis and design 50, 173-183, 2012
Improved finite element model updating of a full-scale steel bridge using sensitivity analysis
BT Svendsen, ØW Petersen, GT Frøseth, A Rønnquist
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 19 (3), 315-331, 2022
Data set from long-term wind and acceleration monitoring of the Hardanger bridge
A Fenerci, K Andreas Kvåle, Ø Wiig Petersen, A Rønnquist, O Øiseth
Journal of Structural Engineering 147 (5), 04721003, 2021
A robust line-tracking photogrammetry method for uplift measurements of railway catenary systems in noisy backgrounds
T Jiang, GT Frøseth, A Rønnquist, E Fagerholt
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 144, 106888, 2020
Assessment of the high-frequency response in railway pantograph-catenary interaction based on numerical simulation
Y Song, A Rønnquist, P Nåvik
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (10), 10596-10605, 2020
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