Matthias Augustin
Matthias Augustin
formerly Mathematical Image Analysis Group, Saarland University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mia.uni-saarland.de
Citat de
Citat de
An assessment of discretizations for convection-dominated convection–diffusion equations
M Augustin, A Caiazzo, A Fiebach, J Fuhrmann, V John, A Linke, R Umla
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (47), 3395-3409, 2011
Connections between numerical algorithms for PDEs and neural networks
T Alt, K Schrader, M Augustin, P Peter, J Weickert
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 65 (1), 185-208, 2023
Modeling deep geothermal reservoirs: recent advances and future perspectives
M Augustin, M Bauer, C Blick, S Eberle, W Freeden, C Gerhards, ...
Handbook of Geomathematics, 1547-1629, 2014
Sparse inpainting with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
V Daropoulos, M Augustin, J Weickert
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 14 (4), 1669-1705, 2021
About the importance of the Runge–Walsh concept for gravitational field determination
M Augustin, W Freeden, H Nutz
Handbook of mathematical geodesy: functional analytic and potential …, 2018
Mathematische Methoden in der Geothermie
M Augustin, W Freeden, C Gerhards, S Möhringer, I Ostermann
Mathematische Semesterberichte 59 (1), 1-28, 2012
Roll convection of binary fluid mixtures in porous media
R Umla, M Augustin, B Huke, M Luecke
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 649, 165-186, 2010
Stationary and oscillatory convection of binary fluids in a porous medium
M Augustin, R Umla, B Huke, M Lücke
Physical Review E 82 (5), 056303, 2010
On the role of poroelasticity for modeling of stress fields in geothermal reservoirs
M Augustin
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics 3, 67-93, 2012
Designing rotationally invariant neural networks from PDEs and variational methods
T Alt, K Schrader, J Weickert, P Peter, M Augustin
Research in the Mathematical Sciences 9 (3), 52, 2022
Pseudodifferential inpainting: The missing link between PDE-and RBF-based interpolation
M Augustin, J Weickert, S Andris
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 7th International …, 2019
Mathematical aspects of stress field simulations in deep geothermal reservoirs
M Augustin
A Survey on Classical Boundary Value Problems in Physical Geodesy
M Augustin, W Freeden
Encyclopedia of Geodesy, 2016
Mathematik als Schlüsseltechnologie in der Geothermie
W Freeden, I Ostermann, M Augustin
Geotherm. Energ 70, 20-24, 2011
Convection Structures of Binary Fluid Mixtures in Porous Media
M Augustin, R Umla, M Lücke
Handbook of Geomathematics, 751-778, 2015
Three-dimensional convection of binary mixtures in porous media
R Umla, M Augustin, B Huke, M Lücke
Physical Review E 84 (5), 056326, 2011
Numerische Untersuchungen eines unstetigen Galerkin–Verfahrens zur Lösung der Konvektions–Diffusions–Gleichung
M Augustin
Diploma thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, FR 6.1–Mathematik, 2009
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis
M Augustin, S Eberle, M Grothaus
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy, 165-199, 2018
Disturbing Potential from Gravity Anomalies: From Globally Reflected Stokes Boundary Value Problem to Locally Oriented Multiscale Modeling
M Augustin, C Blick, S Eberle, W Freeden
Encyclopedia of Geodesy, 2016
Geodetically Relevant Finite Point-Set Method (FPM)
M Augustin, W Freeden
Encyclopedia of Geodesy, 2016
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