SDN/NFV-based mobile packet core network architectures: A survey VG Nguyen, A Brunstrom, KJ Grinnemo, J Taheri IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1567-1602, 2017 | 382 | 2017 |
Computation offloading for service workflow in mobile cloud computing S Deng, L Huang, J Taheri, AY Zomaya IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 26 (12), 3317-3329, 2014 | 332 | 2014 |
Sparsedtw: A novel approach to speed up dynamic time warping G Al-Naymat, S Chawla, J Taheri arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.2969, 2012 | 234 | 2012 |
Some observations on optimal frequency selection in DVFS-based energy consumption minimization NB Rizvandi, J Taheri, AY Zomaya Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 71 (8), 1154-1164, 2011 | 188 | 2011 |
Optimal application deployment in resource constrained distributed edges S Deng, Z Xiang, J Taheri, MA Khoshkholghi, J Yin, AY Zomaya, ... IEEE transactions on mobile computing 20 (5), 1907-1923, 2020 | 169 | 2020 |
Dynamical resource allocation in edge for trustable internet-of-things systems: A reinforcement learning method S Deng, Z Xiang, P Zhao, J Taheri, H Gao, J Yin, AY Zomaya IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (9), 6103-6113, 2020 | 162 | 2020 |
Linear combinations of dvfs-enabled processor frequencies to modify the energy-aware scheduling algorithms NB Rizvandi, J Taheri, AY Zomaya, YC Lee 2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2010 | 129 | 2010 |
Mobility-aware service composition in mobile communities S Deng, L Huang, J Taheri, J Yin, MC Zhou, AY Zomaya IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (3), 555-568, 2016 | 127 | 2016 |
Evolutionary algorithm-based multi-objective task scheduling optimization model in cloud environments F Ramezani, J Lu, J Taheri, FK Hussain World Wide Web 18, 1737-1757, 2015 | 121 | 2015 |
GA-ETI: An enhanced genetic algorithm for the scheduling of scientific workflows in cloud environments I Casas, J Taheri, R Ranjan, L Wang, AY Zomaya Journal of computational science 26, 318-331, 2018 | 120 | 2018 |
A balanced scheduler with data reuse and replication for scientific workflows in cloud computing systems I Casas, J Taheri, R Ranjan, L Wang, AY Zomaya Future Generation Computer Systems 74, 168-178, 2017 | 113 | 2017 |
A bee colony based optimization approach for simultaneous job scheduling and data replication in grid environments J Taheri, YC Lee, AY Zomaya, HJ Siegel Computers & Operations Research 40 (6), 1564-1578, 2013 | 92 | 2013 |
A survey on observability of distributed edge & container-based microservices M Usman, S Ferlin, A Brunstrom, J Taheri IEEE Access 10, 86904-86919, 2022 | 89 | 2022 |
Composition-driven IoT service provisioning in distributed edges S Deng, Z Xiang, J Yin, J Taheri, AY Zomaya IEEE Access 6, 54258-54269, 2018 | 82 | 2018 |
A simulated annealing approach for mobile location management J Taheri, AY Zomaya Computer communications 30 (4), 714-730, 2007 | 82 | 2007 |
RBT-GA: a novel metaheuristic for solving the multiple sequence alignment problem J Taheri, AY Zomaya Bmc Genomics 10, 1-11, 2009 | 77 | 2009 |
A model for QoS-aware VNF placement and provisioning DB Oljira, KJ Grinnemo, J Taheri, A Brunstrom 2017 IEEE conference on network function virtualization and software defined …, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
A hierarchical approach for energy-efficient scheduling of large workloads in multicore distributed systems B Dorronsoro, S Nesmachnow, J Taheri, AY Zomaya, EG Talbi, P Bouvry Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 4 (4), 252-261, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |
Real-time virtual network function (VNF) migration toward low network latency in cloud environments D Cho, J Taheri, AY Zomaya, P Bouvry 2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 798-801, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
A genetic algorithm for finding optimal location area configurations for mobility management J Taheri, AY Zomaya The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05) l …, 2005 | 63 | 2005 |