Ilya Goykhman
Ilya Goykhman
Institute of Applied Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mail.huji.ac.il
Citat de
Citat de
Photo-Induced Bandgap Renormalization Governs the Ultrafast Response of Single-Layer MoS2
EAA Pogna, M Marsili, D De Fazio, S Dal Conte, C Manzoni, D Sangalli, ...
ACS nano 10 (1), 1182-1188, 2016
Graphene–silicon phase modulators with gigahertz bandwidth
V Sorianello, M Midrio, G Contestabile, I Asselberghs, J Van Campenhout, ...
Nature Photonics 12 (1), 40-44, 2018
Atomically-thin quantum light emitting diodes
C Palacios-Berraquero, C Palacios-Berraquero
Quantum confined excitons in 2-dimensional materials, 71-89, 2018
Microfluidization of graphite and formulation of graphene-based conductive inks
PG Karagiannidis, SA Hodge, L Lombardi, F Tomarchio, N Decorde, ...
ACS nano 11 (3), 2742-2755, 2017
Locally oxidized silicon surface-plasmon Schottky detector for telecom regime
I Goykhman, B Desiatov, J Khurgin, J Shappir, U Levy
Nano letters 11 (6), 2219-2224, 2011
High Responsivity, Large-Area Graphene/MoS2 Flexible Photodetectors
D De Fazio, I Goykhman, D Yoon, M Bruna, A Eiden, S Milana, U Sassi, ...
ACS nano 10 (9), 8252-8262, 2016
On-chip integrated, silicon–graphene plasmonic Schottky photodetector with high responsivity and avalanche photogain
I Goykhman, U Sassi, B Desiatov, N Mazurski, S Milana, D De Fazio, ...
Nano letters 16 (5), 3005-3013, 2016
Broadband, electrically tunable third-harmonic generation in graphene
G Soavi, G Wang, H Rostami, DG Purdie, D De Fazio, T Ma, B Luo, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (7), 583-588, 2018
High-mobility, wet-transferred graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
D De Fazio, DG Purdie, AK Ott, P Braeuninger-Weimer, T Khodkov, ...
ACS nano 13 (8), 8926-8935, 2019
Out-of-plane heat transfer in van der Waals stacks through electron–hyperbolic phonon coupling
KJ Tielrooij, NCH Hesp, A Principi, MB Lundeberg, EAA Pogna, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (1), 41-46, 2018
Waveguide based compact silicon Schottky photodetector with enhanced responsivity in the telecom spectral band
I Goykhman, B Desiatov, J Khurgin, J Shappir, U Levy
Optics express 20 (27), 28594-28602, 2012
Nanoscale plasmonic memristor with optical readout functionality
A Emboras, I Goykhman, B Desiatov, N Mazurski, L Stern, J Shappir, ...
Nano letters 13 (12), 6151-6155, 2013
Waveguide-integrated, plasmonic enhanced graphene photodetectors
JE Muench, A Ruocco, MA Giambra, V Miseikis, D Zhang, J Wang, ...
Nano letters 19 (11), 7632-7644, 2019
Nanoscale light–matter interactions in atomic cladding waveguides
L Stern, B Desiatov, I Goykhman, U Levy
Nature communications 4 (1), 1548, 2013
Plasmonic enhanced silicon pyramids for internal photoemission Schottky detectors in the near-infrared regime
B Desiatov, I Goykhman, N Mazurski, J Shappir, JB Khurgin, U Levy
Optica 2 (4), 335-338, 2015
Vertically illuminated, resonant cavity enhanced, graphene–silicon Schottky photodetectors
M Casalino, U Sassi, I Goykhman, A Eiden, E Lidorikis, S Milana, ...
ACS nano 11 (11), 10955-10963, 2017
High-responsivity graphene photodetectors integrated on silicon microring resonators
S Schuler, JE Muench, A Ruocco, O Balci, D Thourhout, V Sorianello, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3733, 2021
Ultrathin silicon nitride microring resonator for biophotonic applications at 970 nm wavelength
I Goykhman, B Desiatov, U Levy
Applied Physics Letters 97 (8), 2010
Layered material platform for surface plasmon resonance biosensing
F Wu, PA Thomas, VG Kravets, HO Arola, M Soikkeli, K Iljin, G Kim, M Kim, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 20286, 2019
Experimental demonstration of locally oxidized hybrid silicon-plasmonic waveguide
I Goykhman, B Desiatov, U Levy
Applied physics letters 97 (14), 2010
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