Qianqian Wang
Qianqian Wang
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe seu.edu.cn
Citat de
Citat de
Ultra-extensible ribbon-like magnetic microswarm
J Yu, B Wang, X Du, Q Wang, L Zhang
Nature communications 9 (1), 3260, 2018
Active generation and magnetic actuation of microrobotic swarms in bio-fluids
J Yu, D Jin, KF Chan, Q Wang, K Yuan, L Zhang
Nature communications 10 (1), 5631, 2019
Ultrasound Doppler-guided real-time navigation of a magnetic microswarm for active endovascular delivery
Q Wang, KF Chan, K Schweizer, X Du, D Jin, CHS Yu, BJ Nelson, ...
Science Adsvances, eabe5914, 2021
Endoscopy-assisted magnetic navigation of biohybrid soft microrobots with rapid endoluminal delivery and imaging
B Wang, KF Chan, K Yuan, Q Wang, X Xia, L Yang, H Ko, YXJ Wang, ...
Science Robotics 6 (52), 2021
External Power-Driven Microrobotic Swarm: From Fundamental Understanding to Imaging-Guided Delivery
Q Wang, L Zhang
ACS Nano, 2021
Reconfigurable swarms of ferromagnetic colloids for enhanced local hyperthermia
B Wang, KF Chan, J Yu, Q Wang, L Yang, PWY Chiu, L Zhang
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (25), 1705701, 2018
Magnetic microswarm composed of porous nanocatalysts for targeted elimination of biofilm occlusion
Y Dong, L Wang, K Yuan, F Ji, J Gao, Z Zhang, X Du, Y Tian, Q Wang, ...
ACS nano 15 (3), 5056-5067, 2021
Real-time ultrasound doppler tracking and autonomous navigation of a miniature helical robot for accelerating thrombolysis in dynamic blood flow
Q Wang, X Du, D Jin, L Zhang
ACS nano 16 (1), 604-616, 2022
Real-time Magnetic Navigation of a Rotating Colloidal Microswarm Under Ultrasound Guidance
Q Wang, L Yang, J Yu, PWY Chiu, YP Zheng, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2020
Collective behavior of reconfigurable magnetic droplets via dynamic self-assembly
Q Wang, L Yang, B Wang, E Yu, J Yu, L Zhang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (1), 1630-1637, 2018
Domino reaction encoded heterogeneous colloidal microswarm with on‐demand morphological adaptability
D Jin, K Yuan, X Du, Q Wang, S Wang, L Zhang
Advanced Materials 33 (37), 2100070, 2021
Automated control of magnetic spore-based microrobot using fluorescence imaging for targeted delivery with cellular resolution
L Yang, Y Zhang, Q Wang, KF Chan, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 17 (1), 490-501, 2019
Magnetic control of a steerable guidewire under ultrasound guidance using mobile electromagnets
Z Yang, L Yang, M Zhang, Q Wang, SCH Yu, L Zhang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 1280-1287, 2021
Ultrasound imaging and tracking of micro/nanorobots: From individual to collectives
Q Wang, L Zhang
IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology 1, 6-17, 2020
Swarming self-adhesive microgels enabled aneurysm on-demand embolization in physiological blood flow
D Jin, Q Wang, KF Chan, N Xia, H Yang, Q Wang, SCH Yu, L Zhang
Science advances 9 (19), eadf9278, 2023
Disassembly and Spreading of Magnetic Nanoparticle Clusters on Uneven Surfaces
Q Wang, J Yu, K Yuan, L Yang, D Jin, L Zhang
Applied Materials Today, 2020
Model-free trajectory tracking control of two-particle magnetic microrobot
L Yang, Q Wang, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 17 (4), 697-700, 2018
On‐Demand Coalescence and Splitting of Liquid Marbles and Their Bioapplications
B Wang, KF Chan, F Ji, Q Wang, PWY Chiu, Z Guo, L Zhang
Advanced Science 6 (10), 1802033, 2019
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Q Wang, L Yang, J Yu, C Vong, PWY Chiu, L Zhang
IEEE, 2018
An Automated Microrobotic Platform for Rapid Detection of C. diff Toxins
L Yang, Y Zhang, Q Wang, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (5), 1517-1527, 2019
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