Pu Li
Pu Li
Associate Professor, School of Marine Science, Sun Yat-sen University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mail.sysu.edu.cn
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Offshore oil spill response practices and emerging challenges
P Li, Q Cai, W Lin, B Chen, B Zhang
Marine pollution bulletin 110 (1), 6-27, 2016
FSILP: Fuzzy-stochastic-interval linear programming for supporting municipal solid waste management
P Li, B Chen
Journal of environmental management 92 (4), 1198-1209, 2011
A simulation-based multi-agent particle swarm optimization approach for supporting dynamic decision making in marine oil spill responses
X Ye, B Chen, P Li, L Jing, G Zeng
Ocean & Coastal Management 172, 128-136, 2019
Process simulation and dynamic control for marine oily wastewater treatment using UV irradiation
L Jing, B Chen, B Zhang, P Li
Water research 81, 101-112, 2015
Monte Carlo simulation-based dynamic mixed integer nonlinear programming for supporting oil recovery and devices allocation during offshore oil spill responses
P Li, B Chen, B Zhang, L Jing, J Zheng
Ocean & coastal management 89, 58-70, 2014
Monte Carlo simulation–aided analytic hierarchy process approach: case study of assessing preferred non-point-source pollution control best management practices
L Jing, B Chen, B Zhang, P Li, J Zheng
Journal of environmental engineering 139 (5), 618-626, 2013
An emergency response system by dynamic simulation and enhanced particle swarm optimization and application for a marine oil spill accident
X Ye, B Chen, K Lee, R Storesund, P Li, Q Kang, B Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 297, 126591, 2021
MCFP: A monte carlo simulation-based fuzzy programming approach for optimization under dual uncertainties of possibility and continuous probability
B Chen, P Li, HJ Wu, T Husain, F Khan
J. Environ. Inform 29 (2), 88-97, 2017
A Hybrid Stochastic‐Interval Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach for Prioritizing the Strategies of Reusing Treated Wastewater
L Jing, B Chen, B Zhang, P Li
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 874805, 2013
Simulation-based inexact two-stage chance-constraint quadratic programming for sustainable water quality management under dual uncertainties
T Li, P Li, B Chen, M Hu, X Zhang
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140 (3), 298-312, 2014
A Monte Carlo simulation based two-stage adaptive resonance theory mapping approach for offshore oil spill vulnerability index classification
P Li, B Chen, Z Li, X Zheng, H Wu, L Jing, K Lee
Marine pollution bulletin 86 (1-2), 434-442, 2014
Pollution level and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine fish from two coastal regions, the South China Sea
Y Li, N Guo, X Zou, P Li, S Zou, J Luo, Y Yang
Marine Pollution Bulletin 168, 112376, 2021
ASOC: A novel agent-based simulation-optimization coupling approach-algorithm and application in offshore oil spill responses
P Li, B Chen, ZL Li, L Jing
J. Environ. Inform 28 (2), 90-100, 2016
A multiple-stage simulation-based mixed integer nonlinear programming approach for supporting offshore oil spill recovery with weathering processess
P Li, B Chen, B Zhang, L Jing, J Zheng
The Journal of Ocean Technology 7 (4), 87-105, 2012
Antibiotics in wastewater of Guangdong, China: distribution patterns, and their environmental risk due to incomplete removal
P Li, Y Wang, B Huang, S Guan, T Luan, G Lin, K Yuan
Science of The Total Environment 849, 157889, 2022
Reynolds number scaling to predict droplet size distribution in dispersed and undispersed subsurface oil releases
P Li, L Weng, H Niu, B Robinson, T King, R Conmy, K Lee, L Liu
Marine pollution bulletin 113 (1-2), 332-342, 2016
Monitoring and modeling the dispersion of produced water on the Scotian Shelf
H Niu, K Lee, B Robinson, S Cobanli, P Li
Environmental Systems Research 5, 1-15, 2016
IRFAM: Integrated rule-based fuzzy adaptive resonance theory mapping system for watershed modeling
P Li, B Chen, T Husain
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 16 (1), 21-32, 2011
Contribution of plasmidome, metal resistome and integrases to the persistence of the antibiotic resistome in aquatic environments
A Di Cesare, R Sabatino, Y Yang, D Brambilla, P Li, D Fontaneto, ...
Environmental Pollution 297, 118774, 2022
RSW‐MCFP: A Resource‐Oriented Solid Waste Management System for a Mixed Rural‐Urban Area through Monte Carlo Simulation‐Based Fuzzy Programming
P Li, HJ Wu, B Chen
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 780354, 2013
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