Marlon Elías Lobos Rivera
Marlon Elías Lobos Rivera
Alte numeMarlon Lobos-Rivera, Marlon E. Lobos Rivera.
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mail.utec.edu.sv
Citat de
Citat de
Cross-cultural measurement invariance of the fear of COVID-19 scale in seven Latin American countries
T Caycho-Rodriguez, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, M Cervigni, M Gallegos, ...
Death Studies 46 (8), 2003-2017, 2022
Socio-demographic variables, fear of COVID-19, anxiety, and depression: Prevalence, relationships and explanatory model in the general population of seven Latin American countries
T Caycho-Rodríguez, JM Tomás, LW Vilca, C Carbajal-León, M Cervigni, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 695989, 2021
Síntomas de ansiedad por la COVID-19, como evidencia de afectación de salud mental en universitarios salvadoreños
JR Gutiérrez Quintanilla, ME Lobos Rivera, ER Chacón Andrade
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y …, 2020
Prevalencia de ansiedad, depresión y miedo a la COVID-19 en la población general salvadoreña
ER Chacón-Andrade, ME Lobos-Rivera, M Cervigni, M Gallegos, ...
Entorno, 76-86, 2020
COVID-19 bereavement in ten Latin American countries: measurement invariance of the pandemic grief scale and its relation to suicidal ideation
T Caycho-Rodríguez, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, SA Lee, C Carbajal-León, ...
OMEGA-journal of Death and Dying 88 (2), 591-619, 2023
What is the support for conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines in Latin America? a prospective exploratory study in 13 countries
T Caycho-Rodríguez, J Ventura-León, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, ...
Frontiers in psychology 13, 855713, 2022
Cross-cultural validation of the new version of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale in twelve Latin American countries
T Caycho-Rodríguez, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, C Carbajal-León, ...
Current Psychology 42 (34), 30612-30629, 2023
Construcción, validación y confiabilidad de escala de medición de deserción estudiantil universitaria
J Ventura, M Lobos, J Gutiérrez
Revista Entono Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador 67, 9-21, 2019
Cross-Cultural Validation of a New Version in Spanish of Four Items of the Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) in Twelve Latin American …
T Caycho-Rodriguez, LW Vilca, PD Valencia, C Carbajal-Leon, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 763993, 2021
Adaptación psicométrica de la escala de ansiedad y depresión de Goldberg en una muestra salvadoreña Psychometric adaptation of the Goldberg anxiety and depression scale in a …
ME Lobos-Rivera, JR Gutiérrez-Quintanilla
Entorno, 87-98, 2020
Síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso
ME Lobos-Rivera, ER Chacón-Andrade, N Gómez-Gómez, ...
Veritas & Research 5 (1), 28-37, 2023
Network analysis of the relationships between conspiracy beliefs towards COVID-19 vaccine and symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of latin american countries
T Caycho-Rodríguez, J Ventura-León, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, ...
Current Psychology 43 (15), 14037-14052, 2024
Design and cross-cultural invariance of the COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy beliefs scale (COVID-VCBS) in 13 Latin American countries
T Caycho-Rodríguez, PD Valencia, J Ventura-León, LW Vilca, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 908720, 2022
Adaptación psicométrica de las escalas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en una muestra de adolescentes salvadoreños
JR Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, ME Lobos-Rivera, JC Tejada-Rodríguez
Entorno, 12-22, 2020
COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model
T Caycho-Rodríguez, JM Tomás, PD Valencia, J Ventura-León, LW Vilca, ...
Current Psychology 43 (14), 13159-13173, 2024
Prevalence and predictors of intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in thirteen Latin American and Caribbean countries
T Caycho-Rodríguez, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, C Carbajal-León, ...
Trends in Psychology 31 (4), 865-889, 2023
What is the support for conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines in Latin America
T Caycho-Rodríguez, J Ventura-León, PD Valencia, LW Vilca, ...
A prospective exploratory study in 13, 2022
Evaluación de la calidad de la atención de los servicios del sistema salvadoreño de salud, desde la percepción del usuario
JR Gutiérrez Quintanilla, ME Lobos Rivera
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y …, 2019
Factores psicosociales y comportamiento agresivo al conducir correlacionados con accidentes de tránsito en conductores salvadoreños
JRG Quintanilla, MEL Rivera
Entorno, 9-19, 2017
Psychological factors related to fear of COVID-19 in the general Salvadoran population
ME Lobos Rivera, E René Chacón Andrade, MA Cervigni, ...
Modestum, 2022
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