Sergio Calabrese
Sergio Calabrese
Professor of Volcanology and Geochemistry, DiSTeM, Università di Palermo - INGV
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Atmospheric sources and sinks of volcanogenic elements in a basaltic volcano (Etna, Italy)
S Calabrese, A Aiuppa, P Allard, E Bagnato, S Bellomo, L Brusca, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (23), 7401-7425, 2011
Degassing of gaseous (elemental and reactive) and particulate mercury from Mount Etna volcano (Southern Italy)
E Bagnato, A Aiuppa, F Parello, S Calabrese, W D’alessandro, TA Mather, ...
Atmospheric Environment 41 (35), 7377-7388, 2007
First volatile inventory for Gorely volcano, Kamchatka
A Aiuppa, G Giudice, M Liuzzo, G Tamburello, P Allard, S Calabrese, ...
Intense magmatic degassing through the lake of Copahue volcano, 2013–2014
G Tamburello, M Agusto, A Caselli, F Tassi, O Vaselli, S Calabrese, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (9), 6071-6084, 2015
Steam and gas emission rate from La Soufriere volcano, Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): implications for the magmatic supply during degassing unrest
P Allard, A Aiuppa, F Beauducel, D Gaudin, R Di Napoli, S Calabrese, ...
Chemical Geology 384, 76-93, 2014
Characterization of the Etna volcanic emissions through an active biomonitoring technique (moss-bags): Part 1–Major and trace element composition
S Calabrese, W D’alessandro, S Bellomo, L Brusca, RS Martin, F Saiano, ...
Chemosphere 119, 1447-1455, 2015
Selenium mobilization in soils due to volcanic derived acid rain: an example from Mt Etna volcano, Sicily
GH Floor, S Calabrese, G Román-Ross, A Aiuppa
Chemical Geology 289 (3-4), 235-244, 2011
The Domuyo volcanic system: an enormous geothermal resource in Argentine Patagonia
G Chiodini, C Liccioli, O Vaselli, S Calabrese, F Tassi, S Caliro, A Caselli, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 274, 71-77, 2014
Geogenic and atmospheric sources for volatile organic compounds in fumarolic emissions from Mt. Etna and Vulcano Island (Sicily, Italy)
F Tassi, F Capecchiacci, J Cabassi, S Calabrese, O Vaselli, D Rouwet, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D17), 2012
The sea–air exchange of mercury (Hg) in the marine boundary layer of the Augusta basin (southern Italy): Concentrations and evasion flux
E Bagnato, M Sproveri, M Barra, M Bitetto, M Bonsignore, S Calabrese, ...
Chemosphere 93 (9), 2024-2032, 2013
Origin of methane and light hydrocarbons in natural fluid emissions: a key study from Greece
K Daskalopoulou, S Calabrese, F Grassa, K Kyriakopoulos, F Parello, ...
Chemical Geology 479, 286-301, 2018
Mercury gas emissions from La Soufrière Volcano, Guadeloupe Island (Lesser Antilles)
E Bagnato, P Allard, F Parello, A Aiuppa, S Calabrese, G Hammouya
Chemical Geology 266 (3-4), 267-273, 2009
A new approach for the measurement of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and H2S in air from anthropogenic and natural sources: examples from Mt. Amiata (Siena, Central Italy) and …
J Cabassi, F Tassi, S Venturi, S Calabrese, F Capecchiacci, ...
Journal of geochemical exploration 175, 48-58, 2017
Active alkaline traps to determine acidic‐gas ratios in volcanic plumes: Sampling techniques and analytical methods
J Wittmer, N Bobrowski, M Liotta, G Giuffrida, S Calabrese, U Platt
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (7), 2797-2820, 2014
Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) leaves as a bio-indicator of volcanic gas, aerosol and ash deposition onto the flanks of Mt Etna in 2005–2007
RS Martin, TA Mather, DM Pyle, SFL Watt, JA Day, SJ Collins, TE Wright, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 179 (1-2), 107-119, 2009
Bioindication of volcanic mercury (Hg) deposition around Mt. Etna (Sicily)
RS Martin, MLI Witt, GM Sawyer, HE Thomas, SFL Watt, E Bagnato, ...
Chemical Geology 310, 12-22, 2012
Regional variations in the chemical and helium–carbon isotope composition of geothermal fluids across Tunisia
E Fourré, R Di Napoli, A Aiuppa, F Parello, E Gaubi, P Jean-Baptiste, ...
Chemical Geology 288 (1-2), 67-85, 2011
Mercury concentration, speciation and budget in volcanic aquifers: Italy and Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
E Bagnato, A Aiuppa, F Parello, W D'alessandro, P Allard, S Calabrese
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 179 (1-2), 96-106, 2009
Sulphur-gas concentrations in volcanic and geothermal areas in Italy and Greece: Characterising potential human exposures and risks
W D'Alessandro, A Aiuppa, S Bellomo, L Brusca, S Calabrese, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 131, 1-13, 2013
A geochemical traverse along the “Sperchios Basin–Evoikos Gulf” graben (Central Greece): Origin and evolution of the emitted fluids
W D'Alessandro, L Brusca, K Kyriakopoulos, S Bellomo, S Calabrese
Marine and Petroleum Geology 55, 295-308, 2014
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