Rebecca M Flowers
Rebecca M Flowers
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Apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronometry using a radiation damage accumulation and annealing model
RM Flowers, RA Ketcham, DL Shuster, KA Farley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 73 (8), 2347-2365, 2009
The influence of natural radiation damage on helium diffusion kinetics in apatite
DL Shuster, RM Flowers, KA Farley
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (3-4), 148-161, 2006
Unroofing, incision, and uplift history of the southwestern Colorado Plateau from apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
RM Flowers, BP Wernicke, KA Farley
Geological Society of America Bulletin 120 (5-6), 571-587, 2008
Radiation damage control on apatite (U-Th)/He dates from the Grand Canyon region, Colorado Plateau
RM Flowers, DL Shuster, BP Wernicke, KA Farley
Geology 35 (5), 447-450, 2007
New zircon shock phenomena and their use for dating and reconstruction of large impact structures revealed by electron nanobeam (EBSD, CL, EDS) and isotopic U–Pb and (U–Th)/He …
DE Moser, CL Cupelli, IR Barker, RM Flowers, JR Bowman, J Wooden, ...
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 48 (2), 117-139, 2011
Interpreting data dispersion and “inverted” dates in apatite (U–Th)/He and fission-track datasets: An example from the US midcontinent
RM Flowers, SA Kelley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (18), 5169-5186, 2011
Exploiting radiation damage control on apatite (U–Th)/He dates in cratonic regions
RM Flowers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (1-2), 148-155, 2009
Apatite 4He/3He and (U-Th)/He Evidence for an Ancient Grand Canyon
RM Flowers, KA Farley
Science 338 (6114), 1616-1619, 2012
A reporting protocol for thermochronologic modeling illustrated with data from the Grand Canyon
RM Flowers, KA Farley, RA Ketcham
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 432, 425-435, 2015
Birth of the Kaapvaal tectosphere 3.08 billion years ago
DE Moser, RM Flowers, RJ Hart
Science 291 (5503), 465-468, 2001
Is apatite U–Th zonation information necessary for accurate interpretation of apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronometry data?
AK Ault, RM Flowers
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 79, 60-78, 2012
Tempo of burial and exhumation within the deep roots of a magmatic arc, Fiordland, New Zealand
RM Flowers, SA Bowring, AJ Tulloch, KA Klepeis
Geology 33 (1), 17-20, 2005
“Inverted” zircon and apatite (U–Th)/He dates from the Front Range, Colorado: High-damage zircon as a low-temperature (< 50° C) thermochronometer
JE Johnson, RM Flowers, GB Baird, KH Mahan
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 466, 80-90, 2017
Timescales and significance of high-pressure, high-temperature metamorphism and mafic dike anatexis, Snowbird tectonic zone, Canada
RM Flowers, SA Bowring, ML Williams
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 151, 558-581, 2006
(U-Th)/He thermochronometry constraints on unroofing of the eastern Kaapvaal craton and significance for uplift of the southern African Plateau
RM Flowers, B Schoene
Geology 38 (9), 827-830, 2010
Phanerozoic burial and unroofing history of the western Slave craton and Wopmay orogen from apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronometry
AK Ault, RM Flowers, SA Bowring
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284 (1-2), 1-11, 2009
Multistage exhumation and juxtaposition of lower continental crust in the western Canadian Shield: Linking high‐resolution U‐Pb and 40Ar/39Ar …
RM Flowers, KH Mahan, SA Bowring, ML Williams, MS Pringle, ...
Tectonics 25 (4), 2006
Low long-term erosion rates and extreme continental stability documented by ancient (U-Th)/He dates
RM Flowers, SA Bowring, PW Reiners
Geology 34 (11), 925-928, 2006
(U–Th)/Ne and multidomain (U–Th)/He systematics of a hydrothermal hematite from eastern Grand Canyon
KA Farley, RM Flowers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 359, 131-140, 2012
Geochronological constraints on the Legs Lake shear zone with implications for regional exhumation of lower continental crust, western Churchill Province, Canadian Shield
KH Mahan, ML Williams, RM Flowers, MJ Jercinovic, JA Baldwin, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 152, 223-242, 2006
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