Jens Wiegand
Jens Wiegand
Compact Engineering
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In-plane and through-thickness properties, failure modes, damage and delamination in 3D woven carbon fibre composites subjected to impact loading
R Gerlach, CR Siviour, J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Composites Science and Technology 72 (3), 397-411, 2012
Experimental characterisation and constitutive modelling of RTM-6 resin under impact loading
R Gerlach, CR Siviour, N Petrinic, J Wiegand
Polymer 49 (11), 2728-2737, 2008
An algorithm for determination of the fracture angle for the three-dimensional Puck matrix failure criterion for UD composites
J Wiegand, N Petrinic, B Elliott
Composites Science and Technology 68 (12), 2511-2517, 2008
Effect of strain rate and fibre rotation on the in-plane shear response of±45 laminates in tension and compression tests
H Cui, D Thomson, A Pellegrino, J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Composites Science and Technology 135, 106-115, 2016
Constitutive modelling of composite materials under impact loading
J Wiegand
Oxford University, UK, 2009
The strain rate dependent material behavior of S-GFRP extracted from GLARE
R Gerlach, CR Siviour, J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Mechanics of advanced materials and structures 20 (7), 505-514, 2013
Experimental and numerical study of strain-rate effects on the IFF fracture angle using a new efficient implementation of Puck’s criterion
DM Thomson, H Cui, B Erice, J Hoffmann, J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Composite Structures 181, 325-335, 2017
Modelling the in-plane strain rate dependent behaviour of woven composites with special emphasis on the non-linear shear response
F Martinez-Hergueta, D Ares, A Ridruejo, J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Composite Structures 210, 840-857, 2019
A Puck-based localisation plane theory for rate-and pressure-dependent constitutive modelling of unidirectional fibre-reinforced polymers
DM Thomson, B Erice, H Cui, J Hoffmann, J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Composite Structures 184, 299-305, 2018
An experimental method for dynamic delamination analysis of composite materials by impact bending
J Wiegand, A Hornig, R Gerlach, C Neale, N Petrinic, W Hufenbach
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 22 (5), 413-421, 2015
A three-dimensional progressive damage model for fibre-composite materials
JLC Sosa, N Petrinic, J Wiegand
Mechanics Research Communications 35 (4), 219-221, 2008
Delamination behaviour of 3D-textile reinforced composites–Experimental and numerical approaches
W Hufenbach, N Petrinic, A Hornig, A Langkamp, M Gude, J Wiegand
Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1st Conference on damage in composite …, 2006
The interface between matrix pockets and fibre bundles under impact loading
R Gerlach, A Pabst, N Petrinic, A Hornig, J Wiegand, CR Siviour, ...
Composites Science and Technology 69 (11-12), 2024-2026, 2009
Multidisciplinary damage analysis of textile reinforced composites for impact and crash applications
W Hufenbach, N Petrinic, R Böhm, J Wiegand, A Langkamp, FM Ibraim, ...
J Nondestruct Test Bd 12, 11, 2006
Comparison of titanium Ti6/4 and GLARE response to impact loading for containment application
J Wiegand
Thesis, TU Dresden, 2004
Quality management in the prophylaxis of venous thrombembolism-results of a survey including 464 medical and surgical patients
P Klein-Weigel, J Richter, U Arendt, F Gerdsen, A Härtwig, ...
Vasa 40 (2), 123-130, 2011
A three dimensional damage model for UD composites
J Wiegand, N Petrinic
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composite Materials …, 2009
Virtual Testbed for Numerical Homogenization of Elastic Behaviour and Damage Initiation in Bidirectional Composites
M Okereke, N Petrinic, J Wiegand, R Gerlach, C Siviour
5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and …, 2008
Concepts for Increased Energy Dissipation in CFRP Composites Subjected to Impact Loading Conditions by Optimising Interlaminar Properties
M Kuhtz, J Richter, J Wiegand, A Langkamp, A Hornig, M Gude
Aerospace 10 (3), 248, 2023
Modelling of the mechanical response of thermoplastic matrix textile composites under dynamic loading–a comparison of methods
J Wiegand, H Böhm, A Hornig, J Luft, M Gude
ECCM17, 2016
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