Kevin Byerly
Kevin Byerly
Lead Engineer, CorePower Magnetics
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe corepowermagnetics.com
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Review on soft magnetic metal and inorganic oxide nanocomposites for power applications
A Talaat, MV Suraj, K Byerly, A Wang, Y Wang, JK Lee, PR Ohodnicki Jr
Journal of alloys and compounds 870, 159500, 2021
Real-time monitoring of temperature rises of energized transformer cores with distributed optical fiber sensors
P Lu, MP Buric, K Byerly, SR Moon, M Nazmunnahar, S Simizu, AM Leary, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 34 (4), 1588-1598, 2019
Metal amorphous nanocomposite (MANC) alloy cores with spatially tuned permeability for advanced power magnetics applications
K Byerly, PR Ohodnicki, SR Moon, AM Leary, V Keylin, ME McHenry, ...
Jom 70, 879-891, 2018
Surface oxidation and crystallization of FeNi-Based soft magnetic nanocrystalline and amorphous nanocomposite alloys
P Ohodnicki, J Egbu, Y Yu, J Baltrus, N Aronhime, Y Krimer, P Anand, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 834, 155038, 2020
Magnetostrictive loss reduction through stress relief annealing in an FeNi-based metal amorphous nanocomposite
K Byerly, Y Krimer, C Phatak, E Theisen, ME McHenry
Journal of Materials Research 36 (14), 2843-2855, 2021
Thermal profile shaping and loss impacts of strain annealing on magnetic ribbon cores
R Beddingfield, S Bhattacharya, K Byerly, S Simizu, A Leary, M McHenry, ...
Journal of Materials Research 33 (15), 2189-2206, 2018
Multiobjective optimization paradigm for toroidal inductors with spatially tuned permeability
VC do Nascimento, SR Moon, K Byerly, SD Sudhoff, PR Ohodnicki
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (3), 2510-2521, 2020
Soft magnetic materials characterization for power electronics applications and advanced data sheets
SR Moon, P Ohodnicki, K Byerly, R Beddingfield
2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 6628-6633, 2019
Distributed fiber-optic sensor for real-time monitoring of energized transformer cores
P Lu, K Byerly, M Buric, P Zandhuis, C Sun, A Leary, R Beddingfield, ...
Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX 10194, 338-350, 2017
Flux switching permanent magnet motor with metal amorphous nanocomposite soft magnetic material and rare earth free permanent magnets
S Simizu, K Byerly, K Schneider, H Kim, M Nations, S Narasimhan, ...
2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 3866-3872, 2021
Nanostructure refinement and phase formation of flash annealed FeNi-based soft magnetic alloys
A Talaat, J Egbu, C Phatak, K Byerly, ME McHenry, PR Ohodnicki
Materials Research Bulletin 152, 111839, 2022
Mechanical properties of strain annealed metal amorphous nanocomposite (MANC) soft magnetic material
Y Krimer, V Keylin, AM Leary, PR Ohodnicki, K Byerly, A Wise, EA Clark, ...
Materialia 4, 323-330, 2018
Tunable anisotropy of Co-based nanocomposites for magnetic field sensing and inductor applications
AM Leary, PR Ohodnicki, ME McHenry, V Keylin, J Huth, SJ Kernion
US Department of Energy (USDOE), Washington, DC (United States). Advanced …, 2019
Radio‐Frequency Rapid Thermal Processing Enabling Spatial Phase Transformation and Nanocrystallization of Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys
A Talaat, DW Greve, S Tan, T Paplham, K Byerly, ME McHenry, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (10), 2200208, 2022
Core Losses in Co-rich Inductors with Tunable Permeability
A Leary, V Keylin, R Noebe, R Bowman, G Feichter, K Byerly, P Ohodnicki, ...
TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2020
Multi-point fiber optic sensors for real-time monitoring of the temperature distribution on transformer cores
A Yan, S Li, Z Peng, R Zou, P Ohodnicki, P Lu, K Byerly, MJ Li, KP Chen
Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications X 10639, 163-170, 2018
Mixed material magnetic core for shielding of eddy current induced excess losses
RB Beddingfield, S Bhattacharya, PR Ohodnicki, KM Byerly
US Patent App. 16/762,072, 2021
Permeability engineered soft magnetics for power dense energy conversion
K Byerly, S Simizu, ME McHenry, PR Ohodnicki, RB Beddingfield, ...
2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 5320-5326, 2021
Crystallization behavior and recoilless fraction determination of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe56Co24Nb4B13Si2Cu1 system
M Sorescu, J Limongelli, C Stroh, K Byerly
MRS Advances 2 (27), 1435-1440, 2017
Magnetic Anisotropy and Stress-Dependent Epoxy Wetting in FeNi-Based Metal Amorphous Nanocomposites
J Egbu, A Leary, K Byerly, S Simizu, E Thiesen, P Ohodnicki, M McHenry
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 59 (11), 1-9, 2023
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