Arató Nikolett
Arató Nikolett
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ppk.elte.hu
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On the nature of fear and anxiety triggered by COVID-19
CM Coelho, P Suttiwan, N Arato, AN Zsido
Frontiers in psychology 11, 581314, 2020
The role of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and social anxiety in problematic smartphone and social media use
AN Zsido, N Arato, A Lang, B Labadi, D Stecina, SA Bandi
Personality and Individual Differences 173, 110647, 2021
Risk and protective factors in cyberbullying: the role of family, social support and emotion regulation
N Arató, AN Zsidó, A Rivnyák, B Peley, B Labadi
International journal of bullying prevention 4 (2), 160-173, 2022
Psychological well-being and coping strategies of elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary
B Lábadi, N Arató, T Budai, O Inhof, DT Stecina, A Sík, AN Zsidó
Aging & Mental Health 26 (3), 570-577, 2022
Cybervictimization and cyberbullying: The role of socio-emotional skills
N Arató, AN Zsidó, K Lenard, B Labadi
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 248, 2020
Short versions of two specific phobia measures: The snake and the spider questionnaires
AN Zsido, N Arato, O Inhof, J Janszky, G Darnai
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 54, 11-16, 2018
The connection and background mechanisms of social fears and problematic social networking site use: A structural equation modeling analysis
AN Zsido, N Arato, A Lang, B Labadi, D Stecina, SA Bandi
Psychiatry research 292, 113323, 2020
Psychological well-being, risk factors, and coping strategies with social isolation and new challenges in times of adversity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
AN Zsido, N Arato, O Inhof, T Matuz-Budai, DT Stecina, B Labadi
Acta Psychologica 225, 103538, 2022
Psychometric properties of the social interaction anxiety scale and the social phobia scale in Hungarian adults and adolescents
AN Zsido, B Varadi-Borbas, N Arato
BMC psychiatry 21, 1-15, 2021
“Finding an emotional face” revisited: Differences in own-age bias and the happiness superiority effect in children and young adults
AN Zsido, N Arato, V Ihasz, J Basler, T Matuz-Budai, O Inhof, A Schacht, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 580565, 2021
Psychometric validation of revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ-R) among adolescents in Bangladesh
S Mahmood, MA Siraji, R Naher, N Arató, Z Kaló
Asian journal of psychiatry 83, 103514, 2023
The assessment of dual-cycle identity models among secondary school students: The Hungarian adaptation of DIDS and U-MICS
A Rivnyák, E Járdaházi, N Arató, B Péley, A Láng
Frontiers in Psychiatry 13, 804529, 2022
On the nature of fear and anxiety triggered by COVID-19. Front Psychol. 2020; 11: 581314
CM Coelho, P Suttiwan, N Arato, AN Zsido
Epub 2020/11/27. https://doi. org/10.3389/fpsyg. 2020.581314 PMID: 33240172, 2020
Az internetes zaklatás áldozata és elkövetője kérdőív (CVBS-HU) és az Európai Cyberbullying Intervenciós Projekt Kérdőív (ECIPQ) magyar adaptációja
N Arató, AN Zsidó, B Lábadi
Iskolakultúra 29 (12), 81-110, 2019
The mediating role of ICT learning confidence and technostress between executive functions and digital skills
C Bali, Z Feher, N Arato, BL Kiss, B Labadi, AN Zsido
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 12343, 2024
Executive attention modulates the facilitating effect of electronic storybooks on information encoding in preschoolers
C Bali, T Matuz-Budai, N Arato, B Labadi, AN Zsido
Heliyon 9 (1), 2023
Finding an emotional face in the kindergarten–Happiness superiority effect for children faces in pre-schoolers
AN Zsido, V Ihasz, A Schacht, N Arato, O Inhof, T Budai, G Darnai
OSF, 2018
Problematic internet use may be linked to issues with verbal processing
AN Zsido, O Inhóf, N Arató, T Budai, C Bali, B Lábadi
The Role of Socio-Emotional Skills in Cyberbullying Engagement
N Arató
PQDT-Global, 2021
A cross-national perspective of prejudice-based cyberbullying and cybervictimisation
BM Dinić, B Bodroža, T Jovanović, D Hinić, Z Puharić, F Puharić, ...
International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School, 148-165, 2024
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