Martin M Smith
Martin M Smith
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The perniciousness of perfectionism: A meta-analytic review of the perfectionism-suicide relationship
MM Smith, SB Sherry, S Chen, DH Saklofske, C Mushquash, GL Flett, ...
Journal of Personality 86 (3), 522-542, 2018
The Big Three Perfectionism Scale: A new measure of perfectionism
MM Smith, DH Saklofske, J Stoeber, SB Sherry
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 34 (7), 670-688, 2016
The Assessment of Sadistic Personality: Preliminary psychometric evidence for a new measure
R Plouffe, DH Saklofske, MM Smith
Personality and Individual Differences 104, 166-171, 2017
Suicide behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis of 54 studies.
J Dubé, MM Smith, SB Sherry, PL Hewitt, SH & Stewart
Psychiatry Research 301, 113998, 2021
Are perfectionism dimensions vulnerability factors for depressive symptoms after controlling for neuroticism? A meta-analysis of 10 longitudinal studies.
MM Smith, SB Sherry, K Rnic, DH Saklofske, M Enns, T Gralnick
European Journal of Personality 30 (2), 201-212, 2016
Perfectionism and personality
J Stoeber, PJ Corr, MM Smith, DH Saklofske
The psychology of perfectionism: Theory, research, applications, 2017
Coping strategies and psychological outcomes: The moderating effects of personal resiliency
MM Smith, DH Saklofske, K Kateryna V, PF Tremblay
The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied 150 (3), 318-332, 2016
Perfectionism and the five-factor model of personality: A meta-analytic review
MM Smith, SB Sherry, DH Saklofske, V Vanja, J Stoeber, A Benoit
Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2019
Perfectionism and narcissism: A meta-analytic review
MM Smith, SB Sherry, S Chen, DH Saklofske, GL Flett, PL Hewitt
Journal of Research in Personality 64, 90-101, 2016
Are perfectionism dimensions risk factors for anxiety symptoms? A meta-analysis of 11 longitudinal studies
MM Smith, V Vidovic, SB Sherry, SH Stewart, DH Saklofske
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 31 (1), 4-20, 2018
Associations of the managing the emotions of others (MEOS) scale with personality, the Dark Triad and trait EI
EJ Austin, DH Saklofske, MM Smith, G Tohver
Personality and Individual Differences 65, 8-13, 2014
Multidimensional Perfectionism Turns 30: A Review of Known Knowns and Known Unknowns
MM Smith, SB Sherry, S Ge, PL Hewitt, GL Flett, DL Lee-Baggley
Canadian Psychology, 2021
The destructiveness and public health significance of socially prescribed perfectionism: A review, analysis, and conceptual extension
GL Flett, PL Hewitt, T Nepon, SB Sherry, MM Smith
Clinical Psychology Review, 102130, 2022
Does perfectionism predict depression, stress, and life satisfaction after controlling for neuroticism? A study of Canadian and Chinese undergraduates.
MM Smith, DH Saklofske, G Yan, SB Sherry
Journal of Individual Differences 38 (2), 63-70, 2017
Is Perfectionism a Vulnerability Factor for Depressive Symptoms, a Complication of Depressive Symptoms, or Both? A Meta-Analytic Test of 67 Longitudinal Studies
MM Smith, SB Sherry, C Ray, GL Flett, PL Hewitt
Clinical Psychology Review, 2021
The big three perfectionism scale–short form (BTPS-SF): Development of a brief self-report measure of multidimensional perfectionism
A Feher, MM Smith, DH Saklofske, RA Plouffe, CA Wilson, SB Sherry
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 38 (1), 37-52, 2020
A psychometric investigation of the Assessment of Sadistic Personality
RA Plouffe, MM Smith, DH Saklofske
Personality and Individual Differences 140, 57-60, 2019
Perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns interact to predict negative emotionality: Support for the tripartite model of perfectionism in Canadian and Chinese …
MM Smith, DH Saklofske, G Yan, SB Sherry
Personality and Individual Differences 81, 141-147, 2015
Perfectionism, trait emotional intelligence, and psychological outcomes
MM Smith, DH Saklofkse, G Yan
Personality and Individual Differences 85, 155-158, 2015
Why does socially prescribed perfectionism place people at risk for depression? A five-month, two-wave longitudinal study of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model
MM Smith, SB Simon, ME McLarnon, GL Flett, PL Hewitt, DH Saklofske, ...
Personality and Individual Differences, 2018
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