Dr Lindy J. Thompson
Dr Lindy J. Thompson
Southern African Wildlife College & University of KwaZulu-Natal
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe sawc.org.za - Pagina de pornire
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Reviewing the role of vultures at the human-wildlife-livestock disease interface: An African perspective
L Van Den Heever, LJ Thompson, WW Bowerman, H Smit-Robinson, ...
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (3), 311-327, 2021
The importance of visual cues for nocturnal species: eagle owl fledglings signal with white mouth feathers
V Penteriani, MM Delgado, C Alonso‐Álvarez, NV Pina, F Sergio, ...
Ethology 113 (10), 934-943, 2007
Seasonal effects on the thermoregulation of invasive rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri)
V Thabethe, LJ Thompson, LA Hart, M Brown, CT Downs
Journal of Thermal Biology 38 (8), 553-559, 2013
A conservation criminology-based desk assessment of vulture poisoning in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area
ML Gore, A Hübschle, AJ Botha, BM Coverdale, R Garbett, RM Harrell, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 23, e01076, 2020
Uses of vultures in traditional medicines in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa
NM Mashele, LJ Thompson, CT Downs
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (3), 328-339, 2021
Visitors to nests of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in northeastern South Africa
LJ Thompson, JP Davies, M Gudehus, AJ Botha, KL Bildstein, C Murn, ...
Ostrich 88 (2), 155-162, 2017
Variation in monthly sizes of home‐ranges of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in western, eastern, and southern Africa
LJ Thompson, D Barber, M Bechard, AJ Botha, W Wolter, Kerri, Neser, ...
Ibis, 2020
Causes of admissions to a raptor rehabilitation centre in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
LJ Thompson, M Brown
African Zoology 48 (2), 359-366, 2013
Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
J Serratosa, S Oppel, S Rotics, A Santangeli, SHM Butchart, ...
Biological Conservation 293, 110525, 2024
Trade in vulture parts in West Africa: Burkina Faso may be one of the main sources of vulture carcasses
C Daboné, A Ouéda, LJ Thompson, JB Adjakpa, PDM Weesie
Bird Conservation International, 2022
Understanding continent-wide variation in vulture ranging behavior to assess feasibility of Vulture Safe Zones in Africa: Challenges and possibilities
A Kane, A Monadjem, HKO Aschenborn, K Bildstein, A Botha, ...
Biological Conservation 268, 109516, 2022
Traditional health practitioners' and other community members' perceptions of vultures in the Kruger to Canyons biosphere region, South Africa
NM Mashele, LJ Thompson, CT Downs
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (3), 340-358, 2021
A strategy for conserving Old World vulture populations in the framework of One Health
MA Ottinger, A Botha, R Buij, B Coverdale, ML Gore, RM Harrell, J Hassell, ...
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (3), 374-387, 2021
A brief review of the legal protection of vultures in South Africa
LJ Thompson, AC Blackmore
Ostrich 91 (1), 2020
Old world vultures reflect effects of environmental pollutants through human encroachment
SC Krüger, A Botha, W Bowerman, B Coverdale, ML Gore, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41 (7), 1586-1603, 2022
Assessing African Vultures as Biomonitors and Umbrella Species
LJ Thompson, SC Krüger, BM Coverdale, LJ Shaffer, MA Ottinger, JP Davies, C ...
Frontiers in Conservation Science 2, 729025, 2021
The effects of long-term captivity on the metabolic parameters of a small Afrotropical bird
LJ Thompson, M Brown, CT Downs
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 185, 343-354, 2015
Is the Cape White-eye Zosterops virens or Zosterops capensis?
LJ Thompson, B Taylor
Ostrich 85 (2), 197-199, 2014
Kalimantan’s tropical peat-swamp forests are important for Storm’s Stork (Ciconia stormi) conservation
S Cheyne, S Husson, M Dragiewicz, L Thompson, Adul, K Jeffers, ...
Indonesian Journal of Natural History 2, 45-50, 2014
Circannual rhythm of resting metabolic rate of a small Afrotropical bird
LJ Thompson, M Brown, CT Downs
Journal of Thermal Biology 51, 119-125, 2015
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