Jeanne Goffart
Jeanne Goffart
Consultante Indépendante
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe univ-savoie.fr
Citat de
Citat de
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis applied to hygrothermal simulation of a brick building in a hot and humid climate
J Goffart, M Rabouille, N Mendes
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 10 (1), 37-57, 2017
Generation of stochastic weather data for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a low-energy building
J Goffart, T Mara, E Wurtz
Journal of Building Physics 41 (1), 41-57, 2017
Sensitivity analysis of complex models: Coping with dynamic and static inputs
F Anstett-Collin, J Goffart, T Mara, L Denis-Vidal
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 134, 268-275, 2015
EASI RBD-FAST: An efficient method of global sensitivity analysis for present and future challenges in building performance simulation
J Goffart, M Woloszyn
Journal of Building Engineering 43, 103129, 2021
On the uncertainty assessment of incident direct solar radiation on building facades due to shading devices
APA Rocha, J Goffart, L Houben, N Mendes
Energy and Buildings 133, 295-304, 2016
Impact de la variabilité des données météorologiques sur une maison basse consommation. Application des analyses de sensibilité pour les entrées temporelles.
J Goffart
Université de Grenoble, 2013
Hygrothermal and acoustic assessment of earthen materials
A Fabbri, JE Aubert, AA Bras, P Faria, D Gallipoli, J Goffart, F McGregor, ...
Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements …, 2022
Influence of natural weather variability on the thermal characterisation of a building envelope
S Juricic, J Goffart, S Rouchier, A Foucquier, N Cellier, G Fraisse
Applied Energy 288, 116582, 2021
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis applied to a rammed earth wall: evaluation of the discrepancies between experimental and numerical data
R Bui, J Goffart, F McGregor, M Woloszyn, A Fabbri, AC Grillet
E3S web of conferences 172, 17004, 2020
RBD-FAST: une méthode d'analyse de sensibilité rapide et rigoureuse pour la garantie de performance énergétique
J Goffart, M Woloszyn
Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation …, 2018
Impact and source of uncertainties in high efficiency building simulation: some examples
J Goffart, E Wurtz, G Sauce, T Bejat
Evaluation de l'influence des occupants sur le confort estival: utilisation des analyses d'incertitude et de sensibilité
L Gondian, J Goffart, M Woloszyn, E Wurtz, C Buhé, P Maréchal
Conférence IBPSA France 2018, 2018
Towards assessing houses resistance and resilience indicators at Inhabitants' Actions Using Temporal Sensitivity Analysis
L Gondian, J Goffart, M Woloszyn, C Buhé, P Marechal, É Wurtz
2019 Building Simulation Conference (BS 2019), 4149-4156, 2019
Impact des incertitudes de mesure des variables météorologiques sur le processus de comparaison mesure/simulation en simulation thermique dynamique
J Goffart, M Rabouille, N Mendes
Conférence IBPSA France. Marne-la-Vallée, 2016
On the uncertainty assessment of incident direct solar radiation on building facades due to shading devices
AP de Almeida Rocha, J Goffart, L Houben, N Mendes
Energy and Buildings 133, 295-304, 2016
Design of a short perturbation method for on-site estimation of a building envelope thermal performance
S Juricic, J Goffart, S Rouchier, A Jay, P Oberlć
Energy and Buildings 269, 112211, 2022
Overview of a large scale monitoring project of energy positive houses: complementarity between simulations and measurements
J Goffart, M Woloszyn, X Faure, F Wurtz, L Gondian, C Buhé, T Recht, ...
Building Simulation 2019, 2019
Méthodologie pour la comparaison des performances simulées et mesurées de maisons «à énergie positive»
T Recht, J Goffart, L Mora, M Woloszyn, B Catherine
IBPSA France, 2018
UASA of complex models: Coping with dynamic and static inputs
F Anstett-Collin, TA Mara, L Denis-Vidal, J Goffart
7th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, SAMO 2013, 2013
Méthode D’échantillonnage Pour La Prise En Compte Des Incertitudes Des Données Météorologiques Pour L’analyse de La Sensibilité Globale Sur La Performance Énergétique
J Goffart, T Mara, E Wurtz
IBPSA, 2014
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