Joana Ribeiro
Joana Ribeiro
CIBIO/InBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, ICETA-Univ. Porto
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cibio.up.pt
Citat de
Citat de
Trends in legal and illegal trade of wild birds: A global assessment based on expert knowledge
J Ribeiro, L Reino, S Schindler, D Strubbe, M Vall-llosera, MB Araújo, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 28, 3343-3369, 2019
Landscape and local correlates with anuran taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in rice crops
J Ribeiro, GR Colli, R Batista, A Soares
Landscape Ecology 32, 1599-1612, 2017
Coronavirus: why a permanent ban on wildlife trade might not work in China
J Ribeiro, P Bingre, D Strubbe, L Reino
Nature, 2020
The anurofauna of a vanishing savanna: the case of the Brazilian Cerrado
J Ribeiro, GR Colli, AMVM Soares
Biodiversity and Conservation 29 (6), 1993-2015, 2020
Stakeholders’ perceptions towards non-native acacias and implications for their management in Portugal
AS Vaz, J Ribeiro, JP Honrado, JR Vicente
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 93 (4), 557-566, 2020
An integrated trait-based framework to predict extinction risk and guide conservation planning in biodiversity hotspots
J Ribeiro, GR Colli, JP Caldwell, AMVM Soares
Biological conservation 195, 214-223, 2016
Survival of Alytes cisternasii tadpoles in stream pools: a capture-recapture study using photo-identification
J Ribeiro, R Rebelo
Amphibia-Reptilia 32 (3), 365-374, 2011
Evidence of neotropical anuran community disruption on rice crops: a multidimensional evaluation
J Ribeiro, GR Colli, JP Caldwell, E Ferreira, R Batista, A Soares
Biodiversity and Conservation 26, 3363-3383, 2017
Landscape correlates of anuran functional connectivity in rice crops: a graph-theoretic approach
J Ribeiro, GR Colli, A Soares
Journal of Tropical Ecology 35 (3), 118-131, 2019
Exploring expert perception of protected areas’ vulnerability to biological invasions
D Paganelli, L Reino, C Capinha, J Ribeiro
Journal for Nature Conservation 62, 126008, 2021
Introduced population of ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri in Madeira Island, Portugal-Call for early action.
R Rocha, L Reino, P Sepulveda, J Ribeiro
Management of Biological Invasions 11 (3), 2020
Impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the global demand for exotic pets: An expert elicitation approach
J Ribeiro, MB Araújo, J Santana, D Strubbe, AS Vaz, L Reino
Global ecology and conservation 35, e02067, 2022
Common Waxbill (Estrilda astrild Linnaeus, 1758).
J Ribeiro, N Sillero, RJ Lopes, MJP Sullivan, J Santana, C Capinha, ...
Invasive birds: global trends and impacts, 155-158, 2020
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