Birgit Krogstie
Citat de
Citat de
Understanding and supporting reflective learning processes in the workplace: The csrl model
BR Krogstie, M Prilla, V Pammer
European conference on technology enhanced learning, 151-164, 2013
Using mobile devices and apps to support reflective learning about older people with dementia
K Pitts, K Pudney, K Zachos, N Maiden, B Krogstie, S Jones, M Rose, ...
Behaviour & Information Technology 34 (6), 613-631, 2015
Fostering collaborative redesign of work practice: Challenges for tools supporting reflection at work
M Prilla, V Pammer, B Krogstie
ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer …, 2013
Computer support for reflective learning in the workplace: A model
BR Krogstie, M Prilla, D Wessel, K Knipfer, V Pammer
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2012
Project-based learning in IT education: definitions and qualities
G Sindre, M Giannakos, BR Krogstie, R Munkvold, T Aalberg
Uniped 41 (2), 147-163, 2018
A model of retrospective reflection in project based learning utilizing historical data in collaborative tools
BR Krogstie
Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines: 4th European Conference on …, 2009
The employer perspective on employability
GM Lundberg, A Gaustad, BR Krogstie
2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 909-917, 2018
Let's talk about reflection at work
V Pammer, B Krogstie, M Prilla
International journal of technology enhanced learning 9 (2-3), 151-168, 2017
5 degrees of separation: Computer science education in the age of the anthropocene
I Pollock, B Alshaigy, A Bradley, BR Krogstie, V Kumar, L Ott, AK Peters, ...
Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in …, 2019
Power through brokering: open source community participation in software engineering student projects
BR Krogstie
Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering …, 2008
The wiki as an integrative tool in project work
BR Krogstie
From CSCW to Web 2.0: European Developments in Collaborative Design Selected …, 2008
Cross-community collaboration and learning in customer-driven software engineering student projects
B Krogstie, B Bygstad
Software Engineering Education & Training, 2007. CSEET'07. 20th Conference …, 2007
Becoming fully operational: Employability and the need for training of computer science graduates
GM Lundberg, BR Krogstie, J Krogstie
2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 644-651, 2020
Shared timeline and individual experience: Supporting retrospective reflection in student software engineering teams
BR Krogstie, M Divitini
2009 22nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 85-92, 2009
ICT-based challenges of repurposing a single-campus course to multi-campus settings: A pragmatic case study
A Bahmani, R Hjelsvold, BR Krogstie
Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, 641-653, 2019
Supporting reflection in software development with everyday working tools
B Krogstie, M Divitini
Proceedings of COOP 2010: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on …, 2010
Reflective Learning at Work-A Position and Discussion Paper
V Pammer, K Knipfer, B Krogstie, D Wessel, M Prilla, S Lindstaedt
ARNets11-Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks, 2011
Using project wiki history to reflect on the project process
BR Krogstie
System Sciences, 2009. HICSS'09. 42nd Hawaii International Conference on, 1-10, 2009
Linking reflective learning and knowledge maturing in organizations.
BR Krogstie, AP Schmidt, C Kunzmann, J Krogstie, S Mora
ARTEL@ EC-TEL, 13-28, 2013
Towards capturing learning experiences
L Müller, B Krogstie, A Schmidt
ConTEL workshop: Theory, methodology and design, ECTEL, 2011
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