Strategy safari: A guided tour through the wilds of strategic mangament B Ahlstrand, J Lampel, H Mintzberg Simon and Schuster, 2001 | 14130* | 2001 |
The strategy process: concepts, contexts, cases H Mintzberg Pearson education, 2003 | 6010 | 2003 |
Reflecting on the strategy process (vol 40, pg 21, 1999) H Mintzberg, J Lampel Sloan Management Review 40 (3), 21-30, 2000 | 1660* | 2000 |
Customizing customization J Lampel, H Mintzberg MIT Sloan Management Review, 1996 | 1565 | 1996 |
Safari a la estrategia H Mintzberg, B Ahlstrand, J Lampel Ediciones Granica SA, 1999 | 1183 | 1999 |
Balancing act: Learning from organizing practices in cultural industries J Lampel, T Lant, J Shamsie Organization science 11 (3), 263-269, 2000 | 982 | 2000 |
Field-Configuring Events as Structuring Mechanisms: How Conferences, Ceremonies, and Trade Shows Constitute New Technologies, Industries, and Markets. J Lampel, AD Meyer Journal of Management Studies 45 (6), 1025-1035, 2008 | 709* | 2008 |
The role of status seeking in online communities: Giving the gift of experience J Lampel, A Bhalla Journal of computer-mediated communication 12 (2), 434-455, 2007 | 610 | 2007 |
Experiencing the improbable: Rare events and organizational learning J Lampel, J Shamsie, Z Shapira Organization science 20 (5), 835-845, 2009 | 494 | 2009 |
Capabilities in motion: New organizational forms and the reshaping of the Hollywood movie industry J Lampel, J Shamsie Journal of management studies 40 (8), 2189-2210, 2003 | 403 | 2003 |
Safari en pays stratégie: l'exploration des grands courants de la pensée stratégique H Mintzberg, B Ahlstrand, J Lampel, L Cohen, J Fontaine Village mondial, 1999 | 379 | 1999 |
Strategy Safari: der Wegweiser durch den Dschungel des strategischen Managements H Mintzberg, BW Ahlstrand, J Lampel, JTA Wegberg (No Title), 2012 | 330 | 2012 |
The core competencies of effective project execution: the challenge of diversity J Lampel International Journal of Project Management 19 (8), 471-483, 2001 | 257 | 2001 |
Strategy bites back: It is a lot more, and less, than you ever imagined-- H Mintzberg, BW Ahlstrand, J Lampel Pearson Education, 2005 | 248 | 2005 |
Critical push: Strategies for creating momentum in the motion picture industry J Lampel, J Shamsie Journal of Management 26 (2), 233-257, 2000 | 206 | 2000 |
Does governance confer organisational resilience? Evidence from UK employee owned businesses J Lampel, A Bhalla, PP Jha European Management Journal 32 (1), 66-72, 2014 | 197 | 2014 |
Creative industries as hubs of new organizational and business practices J Lampel, O Germain Journal of Business Research 69 (7), 2327-2333, 2016 | 177 | 2016 |
Trust in performance indicators? HT Davies, J Lampel BMJ Quality & Safety 7 (3), 159-162, 1998 | 160 | 1998 |
Hollywood studio filmmaking in the age of Netflix: a tale of two institutional logics AL Hadida, J Lampel, WD Walls, A Joshi Journal of Cultural Economics 45, 213-238, 2021 | 147 | 2021 |
A guided tour through the wilds of strategic management H Mintzberg, B Ahlstrand, J Lampel, S Safari New York, 1998 | 136 | 1998 |