Клиповое мышление как феномен информационного общества СВ ДОКУКА Общественные науки и современность, 169-176, 2013 | 354 | 2013 |
Практики использования онлайновых социальных сетей СВ Докука Социологические исследования 1 (1), 137-145, 2014 | 67 | 2014 |
How academic achievement spreads: The role of distinct social networks in academic performance diffusion S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich Plos one 15 (7), e0236737, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Разрыв дружеских связей при академическом неуспехе: социальные сети и пересдачи у студентов ДР Валеева, СВ Докука, ММ Юдкевич Вопросы образования, 8-24, 2017 | 30* | 2017 |
Promoting educational innovations and change through networks between higher education teachers E Stasewitsch, S Dokuka, S Kauffeld Tertiary Education and Management 28 (1), 61-79, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Practices of using on-line social networks SV Dokuka Sociological Studies 1 (1), 137-145, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Women in gig economy work less in the evenings S Dokuka, A Kapuza, M Sverdlov, T Yalov Scientific reports 12 (1), 8502, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Коэволюция социальных сетей и академических достижений студентов СВ Докука, ДР Валеева, ММ Юдкевич Вопросы образования, 44-65, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
A full-cycle methodology for news topic modeling and user feedback research S Koltsov, S Pashakhin, S Dokuka International Conference on Social Informatics, 308-321, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Internet use and depressive symptoms in adolescents: a review AA Bochaver, SV Dokuka, EV Sivak, IB Smirnov Clinical Psychology and Special Education 8 (3), 1-18, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Echo chambers vs opinion crossroads in news consumption on social media S Dokuka, S Koltcov, O Koltsova, M Koltsov Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 7th International Conference …, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Ispol'zovanie social'nyx setej v internete i depressivnaya simptomatika u podrostkov AA Bochaver, SV Dokuka, EV Sivak, IB Smirnov Klinicheskaya i special'naya psixologiya 8 (3), 1-18, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
The diffusion of academic achievements: Social selection and influence in student networks S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 65, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Статистические модели для анализа динамики социальных сетей в исследованиях образования СВ Докука, ДР Валеева Вопросы образования, 201-213, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Dynamic semantic network analysis of unstructured text corpora A Kharlamov, G Gradoselskaya, S Dokuka International conference on analysis of images, social networks and texts …, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
The structure of organization: The coauthorship network case F Krasnov, S Dokuka, R Yavorskiy International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts …, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Children’s well-being in the digital age AA Bochaver, SV Dokuka, MA Novikova, EV Sivak, IB Smirnov Report of the Higher School of Economics for the XX April International …, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Co-evolution of social networks and student performance S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow, 44-65, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Anorexia and young Womens’ personal networks: size, structure, and Kinship O Mikhaylova, S Dokuka Frontiers in psychology 13, 848774, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
High academic performance is associated with shorter sleep and later bedtimes for young adults S Dokuka, I Smirnov arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07806, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |