A comparison of absolute performance of different correlative and mechanistic species distribution models in an independent area F Shabani, L Kumar, M Ahmadi Ecology and evolution 6 (16), 5973-5986, 2016 | 281 | 2016 |
Assessing accuracy methods of species distribution models: AUC, specificity, sensitivity and the true skill statistic F Shabani, L Kumar, M Ahmadi Global Journal of Human-Social Science: B Geography, Geo-Sciences …, 2018 | 195 | 2018 |
Spatial risk model and mitigation implications for wolf–human conflict in a highly modified agroecosystem in western Iran N Behdarvand, M Kaboli, M Ahmadi, E Nourani, AS Mahini, ... Biological Conservation 177, 156-164, 2014 | 133 | 2014 |
The role of human-related risk in breeding site selection by wolves V Sazatornil, A Rodríguez, M Klaczek, M Ahmadi, F Álvares, S Arthur, ... Biological Conservation 201, 103-110, 2016 | 98 | 2016 |
Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia M Ahmadi, B Nezami Balouchi, H Jowkar, MR Hemami, D Fadakar, ... Diversity and Distributions 23 (6), 592-603, 2017 | 94 | 2017 |
Invasive weed species’ threats to global biodiversity: Future scenarios of changes in the number of invasive species in a changing climate F Shabani, M Ahmadi, L Kumar, S Solhjouy-fard, MS Tehrany, F Shabani, ... Ecological Indicators 116, 106436, 2020 | 92 | 2020 |
Green and calm: Modeling the relationships between noise pollution propagation and spatial patterns of urban structures and green covers Y Sakieh, S Jaafari, M Ahmadi, A Danekar Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 24, 195-211, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
MaxEnt brings comparable results when the input data are being completed; Model parameterization of four species distribution models M Ahmadi, MR Hemami, M Kaboli, F Shabani Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), e9827, 2023 | 83 | 2023 |
Leveraging trans-boundary conservation partnerships: Persistence of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in the Iranian Caucasus MS Farhadinia, M Ahmadi, E Sharbafi, S Khosravi, H Alinezhad, ... Biological Conservation 191, 770-778, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Species and space: a combined gap analysis to guide management planning of conservation areas M Ahmadi, MS Farhadinia, SA Cushman, MR Hemami, ... Landscape Ecology 35 (7), 1505–1517, 2020 | 76 | 2020 |
Upward altitudinal shifts in habitat suitability of mountain vipers since the last glacial maximum M Yousefi, M Ahmadi, E Nourani, R Behrooz, M Rajabizadeh, P Geniez, ... PloS one 10 (9), e0138087, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
Extinction risks of a Mediterranean neo-endemism complex of mountain vipers triggered by climate change M Ahmadi, MR Hemami, M Kaboli, M Malekian, NE Zimmermann Scientific reports 9 (1), 6332, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Spatial heterogeneity in human activities favors the persistence of wolves in agroecosystems M Ahmadi, JV López-Bao, M Kaboli PLoS One 9 (9), e108080, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Habitat suitability and impacts of climate change on the distribution of wintering population of Asian Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii in Iran M Yousefi, M Ahmadi, E Nourani, ALI Rezaei, A Kafash, ALI Khani, ... Bird Conservation International 27 (2), 294-304, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
A predictive spatial model for gray wolf (Canis lupus) denning sites in a human-dominated landscape in western Iran M Ahmadi, M Kaboli, E Nourani, A Alizadeh Shabani, S Ashrafi Ecological research 28, 513-521, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Using ecological models to explore niche partitioning within a guild of desert felids MR Hemami, S Esmaeili, JC Brito, M Ahmadi, M Omidi, F Martínez-Freiría Hystrix, 216, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Landscape heterogeneity and ecological niche isolation shape the distribution of spatial genetic variation in Iranian brown bears, Ursus arctos (Carnivora: Ursidae) MR Ashrafzadeh, R Khosravi, M Ahmadi, M Kaboli Mammalian Biology 93, 64-75, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Evolutionary applications of phylogenetically-informed ecological niche modelling (ENM) to explore cryptic diversification over cryptic refugia M Ahmadi, M Naderi, M Kaboli, M Nazarizadeh, M Karami, SM Beitollahi Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 127, 712-722, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
An examination of how climate change could affect the future spread of Fusarium spp. around the world, using correlative models to model the changes MR Ejaz, S Jaoua, M Ahmadi, F Shabani Environmental Technology & Innovation 31, 103177, 2023 | 25 | 2023 |
Climate‐driven shifts in the distribution of koala‐browse species from the Last Interglacial to the near future F Shabani, M Ahmadi, KJ Peters, S Haberle, A Champreux, F Saltré, ... Ecography 42 (9), 1587-1599, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |