Pelin Yuksel-Arslan
Pelin Yuksel-Arslan
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe univie.ac.at
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Citat de
Theoretical frameworks, methods, and procedures for conducting phenomenological studies in educational settings
P Yüksel, S Yıldırım
Turkish online journal of qualitative inquiry 6 (1), 1-20, 2015
Educational uses of digital storytelling all around the world
P Yuksel, B Robin, S McNeil
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2011
A phenomenological study: teachers’ experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education
BRR P Yuksel-Arslan, S Yildirim
Educational Studies, 2016
Using digital storytelling in early childhood education: A phenomenological study of teachers’ experiences
P Yüksel
PQDT-Global, 2011
Eğitim amaçlı dijital öykünün hazırlanması ve kullanılması: TPAB temelli örnek bir Fen Bilgisi eğitimi uygulaması.
P Yuksel
Fen ve matematik eğitiminde teknolojik, pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB …, 2013
Attain cultural integration through teachers' conflict resolution skills development: The ACCORD project
D Marocco, E Dell'Aquila, MC Zurlo, F Vallone, M Barajas, F Frossard, ...
QWERTY-Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education 14 (2 …, 2019
A Review of Multimedia Learning Principles: Split- Attention, Modality, and Redundancy Effects.
pelin yüksel arslan
The Journal of Mersin University Faculty of Education., 0
The effects of augmented reality in the technical drawing course on engineering students' spatial ability and academic achievement
İ Akkuş, PY Arslan
Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age 7 (2), 160-174, 2022
Egitim amacli dijital oykunun hazirlanmasi ve kullanilmasi: TPAB temelli ornek bir fen bilgisi egitimi uygulamasi
P Yuksel-Arslan
Fen ve Matematik Egitiminde Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi Temelli …, 2013
Using digital storytelling in early childhood education: a phenomenological study of teachers‟ experiences. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
P Yüksel
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Eğitim ortamlarında fenomenal çalışmaları yürütmek için teorik çerçeveler, yöntemler ve prosedürler
P Yüksel, S Yıldırım
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 6 (1), 1-20, 2015
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling Around the World. Elements, 1, 1264–1271
P Yuksel, BR Robin, S McNeil
Motivational and ethical issues in seamless learning: use of tablet PCs in a mobile and ubiquitous technology-enhanced learning context
P Yüksel, SN Şad, S Yıldırım
Mobile Devices in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 681-696, 2020
Evaluating Students' Learning Expectations and Concerns in a University Course on Digital Transformations in the Framework of Learning Objective Taxonomies
PY Arslan, G Nöhrer, F Kayali
2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2023
Exploring the design and implementation of a robotic-coding camp in teacher education
PY Arslan, F Kayali
2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-5, 2023
Two-year progress of pilot research activities in teaching digital thinking project (TDT)
R Ambros, A Bernsteiner, R Bloem, D Dolezal, D Garcia, K Göltl, ...
Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 18 (Sonderheft Hochschullehre), 117–136 …, 2023
Motivational and ethical issues in seamless learning: use of tablet PCs in a mobile and ubiquitous technology-enhanced learning context
P Yüksel Arslan, SN Şad, İS Yıldırım
Digital tools for seamless learning, 2017
ÖTMT Dersi Kapsamında Tasarlanan Eğitsel Materyallerin Örgün Eğitime Aktarılması: Üniversite-Okul İşbirliği
PY Arslan
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1-24, 2017
Digital storytelling activities in a kindergarten classroom
PY Arslan, BR Robin, S Yildrim
Appraising Digital Storytelling across Educational Contexts, 2014
Integration of Computer Technology into Turkish Early Childhood Curriculum
P Yuksel, F Karaca, S Yildirim
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2008
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Articole 1–20