Hao Chu
Hao Chu
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Evidence of an odd-parity hidden order in a spin–orbit coupled correlated iridate
L Zhao, DH Torchinsky, H Chu, V Ivanov, R Lifshitz, R Flint, T Qi, G Cao, ...
Nature Physics 12 (1), 32-36, 2016
Phase-resolved Higgs response in superconducting cuprates
H Chu, MJ Kim, K Katsumi, S Kovalev, RD Dawson, L Schwarz, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1793, 2020
Linear Magnetoelectric Phase in Ultrathin Probed by Optical Second Harmonic Generation
H Chu, CJ Roh, JO Island, C Li, S Lee, J Chen, JG Park, AF Young, ...
Physical review letters 124 (2), 027601, 2020
Giant modulation of optical nonlinearity by Floquet engineering
JY Shan, M Ye, H Chu, S Lee, JG Park, L Balents, D Hsieh
Nature 600 (7888), 235-239, 2021
Structural Distortion-Induced Magnetoelastic Locking in Revealed through Nonlinear Optical Harmonic Generation
DH Torchinsky, H Chu, L Zhao, NB Perkins, Y Sizyuk, T Qi, G Cao, ...
Physical review letters 114 (9), 096404, 2015
A charge density wave-like instability in a doped spin–orbit-assisted weak Mott insulator
H Chu, L Zhao, A de la Torre, T Hogan, SD Wilson, D Hsieh
Nature Materials 16 (2), 200-203, 2017
A low temperature nonlinear optical rotational anisotropy spectrometer for the determination of crystallographic and electronic symmetries
DH Torchinsky, H Chu, T Qi, G Cao, D Hsieh
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (8), 2014
Fano interference between collective modes in cuprate high-Tc superconductors
H Chu, S Kovalev, ZX Wang, L Schwarz, T Dong, L Feng, R Haenel, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1343, 2023
Evidence of an Improper Displacive Phase Transition in via Time-Resolved Coherent Phonon Spectroscopy
JW Harter, DM Kennes, H Chu, A De La Torre, ZY Zhao, JQ Yan, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (4), 047601, 2018
Nonlinear and time-resolved optical study of the 112-type iron-based superconductor parent across its structural phase transition
JW Harter, H Chu, S Jiang, N Ni, D Hsieh
Physical Review B 93 (10), 104506, 2016
Dynamical interplay between superconductivity and charge density waves: A nonlinear terahertz study of coherently driven
L Feng, J Cao, T Priessnitz, Y Dai, T de Oliveira, J Yuan, R Oka, MJ Kim, ...
Physical Review B 108 (10), L100504, 2023
Doping-driven structural distortion in the bilayer iridate
T Hogan, X Wang, H Chu, D Hsieh, SD Wilson
Physical Review B 95 (17), 174109, 2017
Ultrafast dynamics and coherent order parameter oscillations under photo-excitation in the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5
D Werdehausen, SY Agustsson, M Kim, P Shabestari, E Huang, ...
Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics III 10638, 1063803, 2018
New collective mode in superconducting cuprates uncovered by Higgs spectroscopy
H Chu, MJ Kim, K Katsumi, S Kovalev, RD Dawson, L Schwarz, ...
arXiv, arXiv: 1901.06675, 2019
Giant modulation of second harmonic generation in MnPS3 by Floquet engineering
JY Shan, M Ye, H Chu, S Lee, JG Park, L Balents, D Hsieh
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, A50. 004, 2022
Ultrafast dynamics in MnPS3 studied by time-resolved optical spectroscopy
JY Shan, M Ye, H Chu, S Lee, JG Park, L Balents, D Hsieh
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, B44. 001, 2021
Driving the Higgs oscillation in cuprates: unveiling collective modes or interactions coupled to Cooper pairs
H Chu, MJ Kim, K Katsumi, S Kovalev, R Dawson, L Schwarz, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Superconducting Higgs mode in cuprate thin films
H Chu, MJ Kim, K Katsumi, S Kovalev, R Dawson, L Schwarz, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, P08. 003, 2019
Superconducting Higgs mode in cuprates
MJ Kim, H Chu, S Kaiser, K Katsumi, N Yoshikawa, R Shimano, S Kovalev, ...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2019
The Coherent Response in the Ground State of the Excitonic Insulator TaNiSe
M Kim, P Shabestari, E Huang, D Werdehausen, SY Agustsson, ...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2018
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