Alexandru USTUROI
Alexandru USTUROI
Iasi University of Life Sciences
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Application of agri-food by-products in the food industry
RN Rațu, ID Veleșcu, F Stoica, A Usturoi, VN Arsenoaia, IC Crivei, ...
Agriculture 13 (8), 1559, 2023
Impact of different levels of crude protein on production performance and meat quality in broiler selected for slow growth
MG Usturoi, RM Radu-Rusu, A Usturoi, C Simeanu, MG Doliș, RN Rațu, ...
Agriculture 13 (2), 427, 2023
Research regarding content in amino-acids and biological value of proteins from Polyodon spathula sturgeon meat
C Simeanu, D Simeanu, A Popa, A Usturoi, D Bodescu, MG Dolis
Rev. Chim 68, 1063-1069, 2017
Alternative technologies used in laying hens husbandry
MG Usturoi, PC Boisteanu, RM Radu-Rusu, IM Pop, MG Dolis, A Usturoi
Journal of Life Sciences 5 (9), 201, 2011
An Appropriate Genetic Approach to Endangered Podolian Grey Cattle in the Context of Preserving Biodiversity and Sustainable Conservation of Genetic Resources
MA Davidescu, C Pânzaru, A Usturoi, RM Radu-Rusu, Ș Creangă
Agriculture 13 (12), 2255, 2023
Research regarding correlation between the assured health state for laying hens and their productivity
A Usturoi, MG Usturoi, BV Avarvarei, C Pânzaru, C Simeanu, MI Usturoi, ...
Agriculture 13 (1), 86, 2022
Research regarding chemical composition and the digestibility of the mulberry leaves from eforie variety
MG Dolis, C Simeanu, A Usturoi, D Simeanu
Rev. Chim.(Bucharest) 68, 151-156, 2017
Research regarding dynamics of chemical content from pasteurized egg melange stored in polyethylene type packings
RN Ratu, MG Usturoi, D Simeanu, C Simeanu, A Usturoi, MG Dolis
Mater. Plast 54, 368-374, 2017
Contributions on the knowledge of incubation eggs produced by adult pheasant females
A Usturoi, I Vacaru-Opris, MG Usturoi
Lucrari Stiintifice-Seria Zootehnie 54, 189-92, 2010
Research regarding quality of milk and of some dairy products obtained into a small production unit.
A Usturoi, MG Usturoi, BV Avarvarei, RN Rațu, CE Nistor, C Simeanu
Studies on the factors which influence the chemical composition of meat from the chicken broiler.
MG Usturoi, RN Rațu, A Usturoi
Evaluation of raw milk quality gathered from north east area of Romania.
CE Nistor, V Băcilă, P Avram, A Usturoi, BV Avarvarei
Influence of packaging type on the dynamics of powdered eggs chemical composition
A Usturoi, C Simeanu, MG Usturoi, MG Dolis, RN Ratu, D Simeanu
Materiale Plastice 54 (2), 380, 2017
Research Regarding Chemical Composition of the Mulberry Leaves from Kokuso 21 Variety, AUO, Fascicula Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie și Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară, Vol
MG Dolis, R Donose, C Simeanu, A Usturoi, R Raţu
XV/A, 207-212, 2016
Productivity of the laying hybrids reared in different husbandry systems
MG Usturoi, PC Boişteanu, RM Radu-Rusu, IM Pop, MG Doliş, A Usturoi
environment 3, 4, 2009
Efficiency of Growing of Chicken Broilers Under Conditions of Compliance with Eu Rules of Welfare
CD Curea, MG Usturoi, I Custură, RM Radu-Rusu, RN Rațu, M Prisăcaru, ...
Scientific Paper. Series D. Animal Science, LXVI 1, 273-278, 2023
Research on the influence of density on the welfare condition and performance of chicken broilers.
CD Curea, RM Radu-Rusu, RN Rațu, A Usturoi, MG Usturoi
Research on Digestibility of the Mulberry Leaf from the Kokuso 21 Variety in Relation to the Dynamics of the Chemical Content
MG Doliş, PC Boişteanu, MG Usturoi, D Simeanu, D Bodescu, G Nacu, ...
Rev. Chim.(Bucharest) 69, 439-444, 2017
Study on certain freshness and hygiene parameters of edible milk marketed by small size farmers in Iasi city.
RM Radu-Rusu, MG Usturoi, I Vacaru-Opriș, A Usturoi, CL Cojocariu, ...
Quality conditions of an assortment of semi-hard cheese-Caciotta.
RN Rațu, FD Lipșa, AN Postolache, ID Veleșcu, A Usturoi, MG Usturoi
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