André Stephan
André Stephan
Associate Professor in Construction and Env. Performance, The University of Melbourne
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Hybrid life cycle inventory methods–a review
RH Crawford, PA Bontinck, A Stephan, T Wiedmann, M Yu
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
A comprehensive assessment of the life cycle energy demand of passive houses
A Stephan, RH Crawford, K De Myttenaere
Applied energy 112, 23-34, 2013
Quantifying and mapping embodied environmental requirements of urban building stocks
A Stephan, A Athanassiadis
Building and Environment 114, 187-202, 2017
Towards a more circular construction sector: Estimating and spatialising current and future non-structural material replacement flows to maintain urban building stocks
A Stephan, A Athanassiadis
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129, 248-262, 2018
Towards a comprehensive life cycle energy analysis framework for residential buildings
A Stephan, RH Crawford, K De Myttenaere
Energy and buildings 55, 592-600, 2012
Life cycle energy and cost analysis of embodied, operational and user-transport energy reduction measures for residential buildings
A Stephan, L Stephan
Applied Energy 161, 445-464, 2016
Multi-scale life cycle energy analysis of a low-density suburban neighbourhood in Melbourne, Australia
A Stephan, RH Crawford, K De Myttenaere
Building and Environment 68, 35-49, 2013
Evaluating the life cycle energy benefits of energy efficiency regulations for buildings
RH Crawford, EL Bartak, A Stephan, CA Jensen
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 63, 435-451, 2016
Environmental Performance in Construction (EPiC) Database: a database of embodied environmental flow coefficients
RH Crawford, A Stephan, F Prideaux
The University of Melbourne, 2019
Reducing the total life cycle energy demand of recent residential buildings in Lebanon
A Stephan, L Stephan
Energy 74, 618-637, 2014
The relationship between house size and life cycle energy demand: Implications for energy efficiency regulations for buildings
A Stephan, RH Crawford
Energy 116, 1158-1171, 2016
The significance of embodied energy in certified passive houses
RH Crawford, A Stephan
ICCBM 2013: International Conference on Construction and Building Materials …, 2013
Managing green building development–A review of current state of research and future directions
T Ahmad, AA Aibinu, A Stephan
Building and Environment 155, 83-104, 2019
Achieving net zero life cycle primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions apartment buildings in a Mediterranean climate
A Stephan, L Stephan
Applied Energy 280, 115932, 2020
Towards a more holistic approach to reducing the energy demand of dwellings
A Stephan, RH Crawford, K De Myttenaere
Procedia engineering 21 (0), 1033-1041, 2011
A multi-scale life-cycle energy and greenhouse-gas emissions analysis model for residential buildings
A Stephan, RH Crawford
Architectural Science Review 57 (1), 39-48, 2014
The EPiC database: Hybrid embodied environmental flow coefficients for construction materials
RH Crawford, A Stephan, F Prideaux
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 180, 106058, 2022
A model for streamlining and automating path exchange hybrid life cycle assessment
A Stephan, RH Crawford, PA Bontinck
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24 (2), 237-252, 2019
Water, energy, and carbon dioxide footprints of the construction sector: A case study on developed and developing economies
F Pomponi, A Stephan
Water Research 194, 116935, 2021
More than the sum of its parts: Considering interdependencies in the life cycle material flow and environmental assessment of demountable buildings
C Vandervaeren, W Galle, A Stephan, N De Temmerman
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 177, 106001, 2022
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