Jan Goedgebeur
Jan Goedgebeur
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House of Graphs: a database of interesting graphs
G Brinkmann, K Coolsaet, J Goedgebeur, H Mélot
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (1-2), 311-314, 2013
Generation and properties of snarks
G Brinkmann, J Goedgebeur, J Hägglund, K Markström
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 103 (4), 468-488, 2013
The generation of fullerenes
G Brinkmann, J Goedgebeur, BD McKay
Journal of chemical information and modeling 52 (11), 2910-2918, 2012
Generation of cubic graphs
G Brinkmann, J Goedgebeur, BD McKay
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 13 (Discrete Algorithms), 2011
House of Graphs 2.0: A database of interesting graphs and more
K Coolsaet, S D’hondt, J Goedgebeur
Discrete Applied Mathematics 325, 97-107, 2023
Directed networks as a novel way to describe and analyze cardiac excitation: directed graph mapping
N Vandersickel, E Van Nieuwenhuyse, N Van Cleemput, J Goedgebeur, ...
Frontiers in physiology 10, 1138, 2019
Speeding up Martins’ algorithm for multiple objective shortest path problems
S Demeyer, J Goedgebeur, P Audenaert, M Pickavet, P Demeester
4or 11, 323-348, 2013
New computational upper bounds for Ramsey numbers R (3, k)
J Goedgebeur, SP Radziszowski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.5826, 2012
Exhaustive generation of k‐critical ‐free graphs
J Goedgebeur, O Schaudt
Journal of Graph Theory 87 (2), 188-207, 2018
Obstructions for three-coloring graphs without induced paths on six vertices
M Chudnovsky, J Goedgebeur, O Schaudt, M Zhong
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 140, 45-83, 2020
Generation of cubic graphs and snarks with large girth
G Brinkmann, J Goedgebeur
Journal of Graph Theory 86 (2), 255-272, 2017
Graphs with few hamiltonian cycles
J Goedgebeur, B Meersman, C Zamfirescu
Mathematics of Computation 89 (322), 965-991, 2020
Recursive generation of IPR fullerenes
J Goedgebeur, BD McKay
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 53 (8), 1702-1724, 2015
Generation and properties of nut graphs
K Coolsaet, PW Fowler, J Goedgebeur
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.04254, 2017
The smallest fullerene without a spiral
G Brinkmann, J Goedgebeur, BD McKay
Chemical Physics Letters 522, 54-55, 2012
Obstructions for three-coloring graphs with one forbidden induced subgraph
M Chudnovsky, J Goedgebeur, O Schaudt, M Zhong
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2016
Evaluation of directed graph-mapping in complex atrial tachycardias
E Van Nieuwenhuyse, T Strisciuglio, G Lorenzo, M El Haddad, ...
Clinical Electrophysiology 7 (7), 936-949, 2021
On minimal triangle‐free 6‐chromatic graphs
J Goedgebeur
Journal of Graph Theory 93 (1), 34-48, 2020
k-critical graphs in P5-free graphs
K Cameron, J Goedgebeur, S Huang, Y Shi
Theoretical Computer Science 864, 80-91, 2021
Existence of regular nut graphs for degree at most 11
PW Fowler, JB Gauci, J Goedgebeur, T Pisanski, I Sciriha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11635, 2019
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