Banu Yetkin Ekren
Banu Yetkin Ekren
Cranfield University, School of Management, Cranfield, UK
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Citat de
Size optimization of a PV/wind hybrid energy conversion system with battery storage using simulated annealing
O Ekren, BY Ekren
Applied energy 87 (2), 592-598, 2010
Size optimization of a PV/wind hybrid energy conversion system with battery storage using response surface methodology
O Ekren, BY Ekren
Applied energy 85 (11), 1086-1101, 2008
Break-even analysis and size optimization of a PV/wind hybrid energy conversion system with battery storage–A case study
O Ekren, BY Ekren, B Ozerdem
Applied Energy 86 (7-8), 1043-1054, 2009
Simulation based size optimization of a PV/wind hybrid energy conversion system with battery storage under various load and auxiliary energy conditions
BY Ekren, O Ekren
Applied Energy 86 (9), 1387-1394, 2009
Travel time model for shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems
T Lerher, BY Ekren, G Dukic, B Rosi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78, 1705-1725, 2015
Simulation based experimental design to identify factors affecting performance of AVS/RS
BY Ekren, SS Heragu, A Krishnamurthy, CJ Malmborg
Computers & Industrial Engineering 58 (1), 175-185, 2010
Warehousing in the global supply chain
R Manzini
Springer, 2011
Simulation analysis of shuttle based storage and retrieval systems
YB Ekren, Z Sari, B Rosi
International journal of simulation modelling 14 (1), 48-59, 2015
Simulation Analysis of Shuttle Based Storage and Retrieval Systems
BR Tone Lerher, Yetkin Banu Ekren, Zaki Sari
International Journal of Simulation Modelling 14 (1), 48-59, 0
Matrix-geometric solution for semi-open queuing network model of autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system
BY Ekren, SS Heragu, A Krishnamurthy, CJ Malmborg
Computers & Industrial Engineering 68, 78-86, 2014
Simulation-based regression analysis for the rack configuration of an autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system
BY Ekren, SS Heragu
International Journal of Production Research 48 (21), 6257-6274, 2010
Simulation based performance analysis of an autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system
BY Ekren, SS Heragu
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (7), 1640-1650, 2011
An approximate solution for semi-open queueing network model of an autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system
BY Ekren, SS Heragu, A Krishnamurthy, CJ Malmborg
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (1), 205-215, 2012
Adopting Industry 4.0 by leveraging organisational factors
DK Srivastava, V Kumar, BY Ekren, A Upadhyay, M Tyagi, A Kumari
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 176, 121439, 2022
Multi-objective optimisation model of shuttle-based storage and retrieval system
M Borovinšek, BY Ekren, A Burinskienė, T Lerher
Transport 32 (2), 120-137, 2017
A tool for time, variance and energy related performance estimations in a shuttle-based storage and retrieval system
BY Ekren, A Akpunar, Z Sari, T Lerher
Applied Mathematical Modelling 63, 109-127, 2018
Graph-based solution for performance evaluation of shuttle-based storage and retrieval system
B Yetkin Ekren
International Journal of Production Research 55 (21), 6516-6526, 2017
A multi-objective optimisation study for the design of an AVS/RS warehouse
B Yetkin Ekren
International Journal of Production Research 59 (4), 1107-1126, 2021
Lateral inventory share-based models for IoT-enabled E-commerce sustainable food supply networks
BY Ekren, SK Mangla, EE Turhanlar, Y Kazancoglu, G Li
Computers & operations research 130, 105237, 2021
Warehouse design under class-based storage policy of shuttle-based storage and retrieval system
BY Ekren, Z Sari, T Lerher
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 1152-1154, 2015
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