Sung-Soo Byun
Sung-Soo Byun
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Progress on the study of the Ginibre ensembles
SS Byun, PJ Forrester
KIAS Springer Series in Mathematics, Springer Nature 3, 221, 2025
Almost-Hermitian random matrices and bandlimited point processes
Y Ameur, SS Byun
Analysis and Mathematical Physics 13 (3), 52, 2023
A non-Hermitian generalisation of the Marchenko–Pastur distribution: from the circular law to multi-criticality
G Akemann, SS Byun, NG Kang
Annales Henri Poincaré 22, 1035-1068, 2021
The high temperature crossover for general 2D Coulomb gases
G Akemann, SS Byun
Journal of Statistical Physics 175 (6), 1043-1065, 2019
Scaling limits of planar symplectic ensembles
G Akemann, SS Byun, NG Kang
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 18, 007, 2022
On the characteristic polynomial of the eigenvalue moduli of random normal matrices
SS Byun, C Charlier
Constructive Approximation, 1-51, 2024
Partition functions of determinantal and Pfaffian Coulomb gases with radially symmetric potentials
SS Byun, NG Kang, SM Seo
Communications in Mathematical Physics 401 (2), 1627-1663, 2023
Real eigenvalues of elliptic random matrices
SS Byun, NG Kang, JO Lee, J Lee
International Mathematics Research Notices 2023 (3), 2243-2280, 2023
Universality of the number variance in rotational invariant two-dimensional Coulomb gases
G Akemann, SS Byun, M Ebke
Journal of Statistical Physics 190 (1), 9, 2023
Random normal matrices in the almost-circular regime
SS Byun, SM Seo
Bernoulli 29 (2), 1615-1637, 2023
Universal scaling limits of the symplectic elliptic Ginibre ensemble
SS Byun, M Ebke
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 12 (01), 2250047, 2023
Zeros of random polynomials and their higher derivatives
SS Byun, J Lee, T Reddy
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375 (09), 6311-6335, 2022
Spherical induced ensembles with symplectic symmetry
SS Byun, PJ Forrester
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 19, 033, 2023
Lemniscate ensembles with spectral singularity
SS Byun, SY Lee, M Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07221, 2021
Planar equilibrium measure problem in the quadratic fields with a point charge
SS Byun
Computational Methods and Function Theory 24 (2), 303-332, 2024
Wronskian structures of planar symplectic ensembles
SS Byun, M Ebke, SM Seo
Nonlinearity 36 (2), 809, 2022
Determinantal Coulomb gas ensembles with a class of discrete rotational symmetric potentials
SS Byun, M Yang
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (6), 6867-6897, 2023
On the almost‐circular symplectic induced Ginibre ensemble
SS Byun, C Charlier
Studies in Applied Mathematics 150 (1), 184-217, 2023
Pole dynamics and an integral of motion for multiple SLE (0)
T Alberts, SS Byun, NG Kang, NG Makarov
Selecta Mathematica 30 (5), 1-77, 2024
Free energy expansions of a conditional GinUE and large deviations of the smallest eigenvalue of the LUE
SS Byun, SM Seo, M Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.18983, 2024
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